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The Mercy Seat

Preachers Corner https://www.preacherscorner.org.uk

God in mercy for the sinner sent His Son, Jesus Christ as a Saviour. In our sins, each one of us has fallen short of the glory of God. No good works or church attendance can improve our standing before a holy God. The scripture says “all our righteousness are as filthy rags”. There is only one way back to God and that is through God’s son, Jesus Christ.

Bible Scriptures: Darby Translation 

Leviticus 16:11-1611 And Aaron shall present the bullock of the sin-offering, which is for himself, and shall make atonement for himself and for his house, and shall slaughter the bullock of the sin-offering which is for himself.

12 And he shall take the censer full of burning coals of fire from off the altar before Jehovah, and both his hands full of fragrant incense beaten small, and bring it inside the veil.13 And he shall put the incense upon the fire before Jehovah, that the cloud of the incense may cover the mercy-seat which is upon the testimony, that he die not.

14 And he shall take of the blood of the bullock, and sprinkle with his finger upon the front of the mercy-seat eastward; and before the mercy-seat shall he sprinkle of the blood seven times with his finger.15 And he shall slaughter the goat of the sin-offering, which is for the people, and bring its blood inside the veil, and do with its blood as he did with the blood of the bullock, and sprinkle it upon the mercy-seat, and before the mercy-seat;16 and he shall make atonement for the sanctuary, [to cleanse it] from the uncleanness of the children of Israel

Leviticus 16:34 34 And this shall be an everlasting statute unto you, to make atonement for the children of Israel [to cleanse them] from all their sins once a year. And he did as Jehovah had commanded Moses.”

Romans 3:21-2621 But now without law righteousness of God is manifested, borne witness to by the law and the prophets;22 righteousness of God by faith of Jesus Christ towards all, and upon all those who believe: for there is no difference;23 for all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;24 being justified freely by his grace through the redemption which [is] in Christ Jesus;

25 whom God has set forth a mercy-seat, through faith in his blood, for [the] shewing forth of his righteousness, in respect of the passing by the sins that had taken place before, through the forbearance of God;26 for [the] shewing forth of his righteousness in the present time, so that he should be just, and justify him that is of [the] faith of Jesus.”

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