Hymns from Refresh 25

Preachers Corner https://www.preacherscorner.org.uk

Listen to a selection of Christian hymns from Refresh 2025 that uplift and inspire. Recorded at Refresh, these encouraging hymns of faith are a great testimony of the Christian’s hope in Jesus Christ.

  1. Before the Throne of God Above Refresh 25 2:19
  2. Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing Refresh 25 1:43
  3. All Hail the Power of Jesus' Name Refresh 25 2:56
  4. Crown Him with Many Crowns Refresh 25 2:46
  5. I Stand Amazed in the Presence Refresh 25 3:20
  6. Shall We Gather at the River Refresh 25 3:20
For more resources from Refresh 2025 click here:


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