Listen to recordings of Gospel preachings from Worthing, England.
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Listen to recordings of Gospel preachings from Worthing, England.
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While the Lord Jesus was here on earth He set on an occasion called the Lord’s Supper. The scriptures tell us in observing the Lord’s Supper we assemble to remember the work of Christ and hope of His soon return. In this address, you will hear of the central place the Lord’s Supper has in the Christian life.
In the Gospel, we learn that God has decreed that every man has an appointment with Jesus. The Bible tells us that everyone will either meet Christ as the saviour we love or as the judge we didn’t expect. Are you ready for your appointment with Jesus? We don’t know the time or the date of this appointment but God’s word tells us to answer to the Gospel invitation and be ready for our appointment with Jesus.
Jesus came into this world to save sinners. The Bible tells us that his face was set to go to Jerusalem where he would be crucified. Nothing detoured Jesus form going to Calvary’s cross his love for us was so great that he endured the suffering of man to redeem us for God. Oh, what a Saviour!
Jesus came into this world to bring deliverance to the sinner. In this Gospel preaching, you will hear the account of a man from Gadarenes who was possessed with demons. No one was able to help him but hope was on the way when Jesus passed by. After an encounter with Jesus, he was found sitting clothed and in his right mind. What happened? Jesus had delivered him from the power of the devil and he was made new.
Do you have a personal relationship with the man Christ Jesus? It is important for everyone to know Jesus as a personal Saviour. Without Christ, we are lost and found without hope but God in his wonderful love has reached out to us through his son, The Man Christ Jesus.
As a believer, Christ should be our object in our daily walk. The scriptures say to fix your eyes on Jesus the leader and completer of faith. Listen to this address to learn from God’s word about the importance of running the race with our eyes fixed on Jesus.
In this address, you will hear about the importance of being committed to Lord Jesus. Firstly your hear about God’s commitment to us then you will hear of why we need to be committed to Him. Bible Scriptures: John 3:16-18 “16 For …
In this Gospel preaching, you will hear The Next Great Event, the coming of the Lord Jesus. No one knows the day or the hour of the second coming of Christ but we know from scripture it is the next great event that will happen in God’s timing. Are you ready for the coming of Jesus?
The Gospel is preached to present a wonderful Saviour, Jesus Christ to you. Over 2000 years ago Jesus came into the world to save sinners and bring us into eternal life. Oh, what a wonderful saviour!