Listen to recordings of Gospel preachings from Worthing, England.
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Listen to recordings of Gospel preachings from Worthing, England.
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The Gospel is a message of hope because the saviour the Lord Jesus Christ is risen. Today God invites you to “Come, see the place where the Lord lay” that you may come to know the saviour who loves you and offers FREE salvation.
Every day a newspaper is printed; with pages and pages of news – mostly bad, but sometimes there is a little good news. However, in the whole history of the world, there has only been one piece of Good News that stands out amongst everything else. This good news is called the Gospel, and the Gospel is all about Jesus Christ!
Jesus faced all the challenges that we face as mankind, and yet he remained perfect and without sin. He was sent by God to provide salvation to fallen sinful man. God’s word tells us there is only one mediator between God and mankind, the man Christ Jesus. Have you accepted Jesus as your Saviour and Lord?
Listen to the conversion story of the Apostle Paul and discover what happened when he had a personal encounter with the living Lord Jesus.
How many times have you heard the Gospel? 50, 250 times or maybe you have lost count. More importantly, have you responded to God’s great invitation? The Bible tells us without Jesus there is no hope of salvation. Today while there is opportunity accept Jesus as Lord and Saviour.
Jesus is the object and source of hope. Many today turn to money, people and many others things to find hope but only Jesus can satisfy our hearts. Listen to the following Gospel, to discover how Jesus can give you an unshakeable everlasting hope.
The Gospel is still going out because of God’s great love and mercy to mankind. God has provided the answer for us to have our sins forgiven and peace in our heart. The answer is found in the person of the Lord Jesus Christ. Listen to this gospel message to discover how you can be saved and forgiven because of Jesus and his love.
King Belshazzar organised a party in his palace that ran late into the night. Suddenly fingers of a man’s hand began to write on the wall “MENE, MENE, TEKEL, UPHARSIN”. King Belshazzar and his advisors couldn’t interpret the handwriting on the wall but God provided an interpreter, the prophet Daniel.
2017 has passed… 2018 is just beginning and God in his great love for you is still proclaiming the message of Jesus and the way of salvation. Over the past 52 weeks of 2017, you may have heard many Gospel Preachings but have you responded to God’s great invitation?