Listen to recordings of Gospel preachings from Worthing, England.
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Listen to recordings of Gospel preachings from Worthing, England.
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Jesus came into this world to bring life to the perishing sinner. The bible says mankind has fallen short of the glory of God but in the Gospel, there is hope for us to receive life in Jesus Christ. Jesus went to Calvary’s cross to redeem fallen man by shedding his precious blood so God would be able to cleanse us righteously. Oh, what a saviour!
The Gospel changes lives! When Paul met the Lord on the Damascus Road he never was the same again, when the Philippian Jailer trusted in Jesus as saviour he was saved. The Gospel light is still shining today and changing lives. Listen to this Gospel preaching to discover how your life can be saved through the person of the Lord Jesus and the work he completed at Calvary’s cross.
By God’s grace, the Gospel has been presented many times throughout the ages of history. Today because God loves you there is another opportunity for you to respond to God’s invitation. All things are ready! Jesus has completed everything at Calvary’s cross that you may come into the blessing of eternal life. Will You Accept God’s Invitation?
Have you heard about the story of Jesus? It is a true story about God’s only begotten son whom he sent as a saviour to rescue mankind from perishing. Listen to this message of love, hope and grace today and discover the rescuer you need in Jesus. Are you ready for Jesus to rescue you?
The loving saviour, Jesus Christ came to this earth to seek and to save the lost helpless sinner. In this Gospel preaching, you will hear about the loving hands of Jesus that brought salvation to mankind at Calvary’s cross.
When God began to work in the hearts of the men and women at the church of Thessalonica a real change took place. The scriptures tell us they turned to God from Idols to service to the living God. As the apostle, Paul preached the message of Jesus they turned to God and sought to live faithfully to him.
God desires to bless us with every spiritual blessing in the heavens but to come into the full enjoyment of these blessings the bible says we first need to come to Jesus and accepted him as our Lord and Saviour. Our sins separate us from obtaining these great blessings but God out of great love for you has reached out to you through his son the Lord Jesus Christ. Over 2000 years ago Jesus came into this world to save his people from their sins and provide Salvation for all who believe and trust in him.
The Gospel is still going out because of God’s great love and mercy to mankind. God has provided the answer for us to have our sins forgiven and peace in our heart. The answer is found in the person of the Lord Jesus Christ. Listen to the unchangeable gospel message to discover how you can be saved and forgiven because of Jesus and his love.
Jesus came over 2000 years ago as part of God’s rescue plan to save sinners from perishing. God’s love for you was so great Jesus willing went to Calvary’s cross to provide a means of salvation by laying down his life and shedding his precious blood. Listen to this Gospel preaching, to find out more about God’s amazing rescue plan.