Listen to recordings of Gospel preachings from Worthing, England.
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Listen to recordings of Gospel preachings from Worthing, England.
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As Christians, it’s easy to become complacent amidst the many distractions and challenges of life. Yet, God’s Word calls us to awaken from spiritual slumber and walk in a manner worthy of our Lord Jesus Christ. In this address, you will hear from the Scriptures about God’s call for Christians to be awake and alert when it comes to the things of God.
Jesus teaches us to store treasures in heaven, not on earth where moth and rust spoils. In this ministry word, you will hear from God’s word about the importance of laying up treasures in heaven.
The children of Issachar were those who had understanding of the times, to know what Israel ought to do. God desire for each beliver to have understanding of the times, to know what they ought to do. In this ministry word you will hear form the scriptures about the importance of understanding of the times.
God has provided a wonderful Saviour for mankind. Who is He? The Scriptures tell us it is God’s Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, who came into the world for sinners. Over 2,000 years ago, Jesus Christ came because He loved you and gave Himself for you, that you might be saved through His work on Calvary’s cross. Have you received Jesus as your personal Saviour?
In this gospel preaching, you will hear about God’s Son, Jesus Christ. Firstly, you will hear about His majesty and glory; secondly, you will hear about His loneliness that took Him to Calvary’s cross. It is at the cross where the Lord Jesus suffered and died for your sins, that you might be saved from the coming judgment.
Salvation for sinners is found in Christ. Have you received this amazing gift of salvation? The Gospel is proclaimed to reveal God’s love for sinners. Jesus came to offer salvation by laying down His life on Calvary’s cross.
The Gospel is preached that you may come to Jesus. God so loved the world that He gave His son, Jesus Christ as Saviour of sinners. Bible Scriptures: Darby Translation Mark 2:1-12 “2 And he entered again into Capernaum after [several] …
We live in a world with endless bad news. Where can we look for some good news? The Gospel is good news for every man, woman, and child. God has fully revealed His heart of love for you through the sending of His Son, Jesus Christ, as a Saviour for sinners.
God has done great things for you through the Gospel. The Bible teaches that God loved the world so much that He gave His only Son, Jesus Christ, as a Savior for sinners. Have you come to the Lord Jesus? Without God, the Scriptures tell us, we are without hope in this world. The Gospel brings the good news that God has come near to us through Jesus, offering salvation by going to the cross at Calvary.