Listen to recordings of Gospel preachings from Worthing, England.
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Listen to recordings of Gospel preachings from Worthing, England.
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Many people in this world are looking for happiness and they will go to great lengths to find it. The Gospel is preached that you may find joy in the saviour the Lord Jesus Christ. The Bible tells us the way to find joy is to come to Jesus and accept him as our saviour and Lord.
God has revealed his love and grace to us in Jesus. If we take a look around us today or even back in history we see one big barrier separating us from a holy and righteous God. That barrier is “SIN”. It may only be a three-letter word, but it is what is separating YOU from God. The Bible tells us that “ALL have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;” (Romans 3:23) That includes you!
God has provided salvation for fallen man. The Bible tells us that our sins have made us unfit to enter His holy presence. Listen to this Gospel preaching, and learn what God has done through the Lord Jesus to make us fit to enter his holy presence and receive salvation.
God is waiting in grace with hands outstretched to bless you… The Bible tells us Jesus came into this world to redeem the sinner and provide peace with God by the blood of his cross. What amazing grace! By this great sacrifice, God is able to cleanse every sin and provide complete forgiveness for the sinner believes.
When Jesus passed the region of Gerasenes he met a man who had an unclean spirit who lived in the tombs. The scriptures say no one was able to control him and many were fearful but when Jesus passed by a wonderful change took place. The man who had an unclean spirit was made well and found sitting at the feet of Jesus clothed and sensible.
There is a wonderful free gift God is presenting in the Gospel, eternal life. Over 2000 years ago, Jesus came into this world to seek and to save the lost and provide salvation and peace by shedding his precious blood at Calvary’s cross. Listen to this Gospel preaching to hear how you can come into the blessing of knowing peace with God and the free gift of eternal life.
Jesus is the Good Shepherd who gave his life for the sheep. He is still calling to needy sinners, he says “come to me”. Have you come to Jesus? The Bible tells us that as sinners far away from a holy God we need a saviour. In the Gospel preaching, you will hear of the saviour who God has provided, the Lord Jesus Christ.
We have many cares, worries and challenges that we face daily. In this Gospel preaching, you will hear what the Bible says about God’s care. Over 2000 years ago God sent Jesus as a saviour because he cared for fallen sinners. The Bible tells us Jesus journeyed to Calvary’s cross where he was forsaken of God and shed his precious blood that we may never be forsaken, Why? Because God cares for YOU.
Jesus came into this world to seek and to save the lost. In this Gospel preaching, you will hear from the Bible of three individuals who had an encounter with Jesus. Bible Scriptures: Darby Translation John 4:6-10 “6 Now a fountain …