Listen to recordings of Gospel preachings from Worthing, England.
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Listen to recordings of Gospel preachings from Worthing, England.
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After the Apostle, Paul received Jesus as his Lord and Saviour he desired to share the Gospel with others. In this Gospel preaching, you will hear what happened when he shared the message of Jesus in Philippi.
YOU Need a Saviour. The Bible tells us that God has provided a Saviour for us in his Son, Jesus Christ. Over 2000 years ago Jesus came into this world and journeyed to calvary’s cross where he laid down his life as a ransom for many. By that great sacrifice, God is able to save and bring us into salvation.
Daniel’s life was marked by prayer and faithfulness to God. Sometimes it is very easy to get depressed and we start to drag our feet through this very challenging world. However, Daniel was a man who was faithful to God and he continued in prayer no matter what. God desires for us to have this same attitude in our Chrisitan life. Are you ready to persevere in prayer?
It is the Lord’s desire for believers to continue in their Christian life for the glory and praise of our Lord Jesus Christ. We live in a world that increasingly has no interest in the things of God but the Bible teaches us to continue in our faith in the grace of God.
The Bible tells us about God’s wonderful GRACE revealed to us in Jesus. At the cross, Jesus demonstrated to us God’s wonderful love and by his great sacrifice, HE has provided salvation for fallen man. Listen to this Gospel preaching to hear more about God’s grace that is greater than all our sin.
Naaman was a captain of the army for King of Aram. The Bible tells us he was a great man and honorable throughout the land, but he was a leper. He won many victories but he was unable to gain the victory over his leprosy. He tried many ways to be healed from his condition of leprosy but nothing gave him the victory until he listened to the word of God from Elisha.
Influence is powerful for good or evil. Have you stopped to think about what Christian influence you have that brings honour and glory to Christ? In this address, you will hear of 4 examples where men and women who had an influence for good and evil.
Jesus came into this world to rescue the perishing. Without God, the Bible tells us we are without hope but the Gospel is preached that you may come to know the Saviour and the Shepherd, Jesus Christ. Over 2000 years ago God sent his son into this world to provide Salvation for fallen man. At the cross, Jesus suffered and died on our account that salvation may be offered to you. Find out more by listening to this Gospel preaching.
There is good news to proclaim in the Gospel, God has provided a Saviour for everyone. The Bible tells us that God is just but the scriptures also say that He is a great Saviour. Over 2000 years ago God sent his only son the Lord Jesus Christ into this world to provide salvation for fallen man. Have you received Jesus as your Saviour? He is waiting in grace with hands outstretched to bless you.