Listen to recordings of Gospel preachings from Worthing, England.
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Listen to recordings of Gospel preachings from Worthing, England.
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Jesus can give you a sure hope that is certain. The Bible tells us in our sins we were without hope but God has provided salvation through his Son, Jesus Christ. From the following scriptures, you will hear about a sure hope, a sure foundation and a firm foundation.
By nature, we have sinned and fallen short of God’s glory and as a result of our actions, we find ourselves on The Broad Way that leads to destruction. Jesus came into this world to rescue us from perishing and to provide the way back to God. Jesus called it The Narrow Gate. Today God is still waiting in grace for you to respond to his call to go through “The Narrow Gate” and be SAVED. Have you entered through it?
There are quite a few scriptures about Walking with God. This may sound very obvious but if you plan to walk with someone you need to go in the same direction. The Bible tells us that Enoch walked with God. As a Christian, it is God’s desire for us to walk with Him and spend time in his presence. Are You Walking With God?
Every minute that passes is a minute closer to the Lord’s return. Are you in the joy of the Lord’s coming? This world changes every day but the promises of Jesus remain the same and he is faithful and true. In Revelation 3, the Lord Jesus is speaking to the Church in Philadelphia and he commends the Christians there for remaining true to his name.
God great love for mankind continues to shine when the Gospel is preached. The Bible tells us that “God does not desire that anyone should perish but come to the knowledge of the truth”. Oh, what wonderful grace is flowing out from God’s heart to mankind today. Over 2000 years ago he sent his only son, Jesus Christ to redeem us and rescue us from the coming judgement. Jesus came into this world to proclaim the way, the truth and the life through HIM. Today God is still showing his wonderful love and grace to us through the preaching of the Gospel.
God desires for all men to be SAVED. The Bible tells us that we have sinned and fallen short of God’s glory but the Gospel is preached to bring hope to fallen man. Over 2000 years ago Jesus came into this world to save sinners and provide salvation. Listen to this Gospel preaching to find out more about God’s plan of salvation and how you can be SAVED by completed work of Jesus Christ.
The message of the Gospel is God’s Power to Salvation. Often we think we can make our own way to heaven by taking a shortcut. The Bible tells us the only way to be saved is by coming to Jesus and by accepting him as Lord and Saviour. Listen to this Gospel preaching to find out more about God’s great invitation.
Many people today are searching for a way to be forgiven from the things they have done wrong. Often we think by doing good works we can find favour with God. The Bible teaches us that forgiveness is found in one person the Lord Jesus Christ. Listen to this Gospel preaching to find out how you can be forgiven from your sins through the work Jesus completed on Calvary’s Cross.
This world is often silent in regards to the things of God. However, God in his wonderful grace continues to speak to mankind in the Gospel. Over 2000 years ago God sent his only son, Jesus Christ into this world to save sinners. Find out more about the good news as you listen to this Gospel preaching.