Listen to recordings of Gospel preachings from Worthing, England.
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Listen to recordings of Gospel preachings from Worthing, England.
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Pilate asked Jesus “What is Truth?” as he stood in the courtroom. This is a question many people throughout history have asked at some point in their lives. In this Gospel preaching, you will hear about the Lord Jesus as the way the truth and the life.
The burdens of sin are completely lifted at Calvery. The Gospel is preached to present a Saviour for sinners to you, the Lord Jesus Christ who came into this world to redeem fallen man.
Many people today look for satisfaction in their career, money and possessions but the bible tells us that only Christ can truly satisfy our souls. The Gospel is preached that you may be introduced to the Saviour of the world, the Lord Jesus Christ.
In this Gospel preaching, you will hear of the story when Jesus Heals a Paralytic.
The Gospel is an urgent warning from God to mankind. Have you responded to it?
Nothing in this world can give security or peace to your soul. God is still speaking to mankind in the Gospel to bring salvation to sinners. In this Gospel preaching, you will hear about Jesus as a nail in a sure place, Jesus as the rock and Jesus as the anchor of the soul.
When Jesus was standing in Pilate’s hall mankind shouted: “Away with this man, we do not want this man to reign over us”. Jesus came into the world to save sinners and bring us into the blessing of eternal life. Forgiveness is available through the Lord Jesus Christ. This invitation goes out to ask you this question, What will you do with Jesus?
Many people throughout history have asked this question and it is still asked by many today. Who is Jesus Christ? The Bible presents him as the Son of God who came into the world as a Saviour to redeem fallen mankind.
Paul describes Jesus Christ as “our hope”. The Gospel is preached that you may receive hope by coming to God’s Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. Over 2000 years ago Jesus came into the world to save sinners and he journeyed to Calvery cross where he took on himself our sins that we may be saved. The Bible tells us that at the cross he shed his precious blood that we may be saved. Listen to this Gospel preaching and discover the hope Jesus can bring by trusting in him as your Lord and Saviour.