Listen to recordings of Gospel preachings from Preston, England.
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Listen to recordings of Gospel preachings from Preston, England.
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The prophet Jeremiah speaks of a God who delights in loving-kindness, judgment, and righteousness. This same God, in His great love, reached out to a world that had turned away from Him. Over 2,000 years ago, He sent His Son, …
Jesus offers sinners freedom from sin; there is no one else and no other way to be free from sin. Over 2,000 years ago, Jesus came into this world to save sinners by going to Calvary’s cross.
In this Gospel preaching you will hear about an Ethiopian eunuch who was seeking salvation. While the an Ethiopian eunuch was on his journey he was reading from Isaiah 53 and desired to know who it was speaking about. God sent to him a man called Philip to share the Gospel with him and point him to salvation in the Lord Jesus.
There is much uncertainty and unrest in the world today. In the Gospel we proclaim good news to mankind because in the person of the Lord Jesus we have a place of refuge. Jesus is a refuge for the sinner. He came into the world to save sinners and bring you salvation from your sins. Have you come to Jesus for refuge?
The Savour, Jesus Christ came to His own after being risen from the dead and said “Peace be to you”. The Gospel is preached because God desires for you to have peace. The scriptures tell us Peace has been made by the blood of his cross. All of us have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God but there is hope found in the person of the Lord Jesus. Over 2000 years ago, Jesus came into the world to save sinners and at Calvary’s cross Jesus laid down His life in the sinner’s place that we may receive forgiveness. Glorious message!
The Bible is full of comparisons and contrasts. In this Gospel you will hear of the difference between the Lord Jesus and us. The scriptures tell us that the Lord Jesus humbled himself unto death at Calvary’s cross to bring salvation to sinners. Jesus was obedient unto death and the Bible says He emptied himself at the cross. By this great sacrifice God is able to offer salvation to whosever believes on Him can receive forgiveness of sins and eternal life.
In this preaching you will hear from the scriptures about the key points of the Gospel. The writer of the Hebrews tells us that once in the consummation of the ages Jesus came into the world to bring salvation to …
The Gospel is preached that you may be saved by Jesus. Over 2000 years ago, Jesus came into the world to save sinners and provide salvation for mankind by journeying to Calvery’s cross. Listen to this Gospel and discover how you can receive this living hope by coming to Jesus.
There is Salvation available for you in the Gospel. We proclaim this wonderful message of hope that Our God is the God of Salvation. Over 2000 years ago God sent His son, Jesus Christ to bring Salvation for sinners.