Listen to recordings of Gospel preachings from Findochty, Scotland. Listen, Download and share the Gospel with someone today.
Listen to recordings of Gospel preachings from Findochty, Scotland. Listen, Download and share the Gospel with someone today.
In a world where many have forgotten God, the incredible truth remains — God has not forgotten us. Jesus came into the world to announce God’s unfailing love and demonstrated it through His sacrifice on Calvary’s cross. Despite our failures and forgetfulness, God’s love reaches out, offering forgiveness and redemption through Christ. This message is a call to remember God’s love and respond to the grace shown to us through Jesus’ death and resurrection.
Sometimes our faith can dry up during our Christian pathway. In the Christian life, sometimes we need to be refreshed so we can be sustianed on our journey for the Lord. In this address you will hear about Refreshment and why it’s so important for every believer.
Jesus is the turning point that leads to eternal blessing. Many people today are searching for hope but without the Lord Jesus as Saviour many find themselves short of hope. Over 2000 years ago, Jesus came into this world on a rescue mission to save you from your sins and bring you peace with God. Jesus is the turning point that leads to these blessings.
The Gospel is preached with an invitation to look up to the Saviour, Jesus Christ who God has provided for your salvation. There is no other name under heaven by which we must be saved. Over 2000 years ago Jesus came into this world to redeem His people form their sins. The Bible tells us that at the cross He laid down his life for you and shed his precious blood to save sinners.
As a Christian you have been enrolled in a battle for the Lord. Believers in the Lord Jesus will experience warfare between light and darkness, good and evil. God is calling His people to be battle ready and willing to stand for the things of God. Are you ready to stand for the Lord Jesus?
In this short ministry word you will hear about the importance of gathering together for the glory of Lord Jesus. It is by gathering together that we can encourage one another as we pray and study God’s word together.
The world has recently passed through a period of unprecedented times. The question raised in this Address is, what effect has this time had on us? Where are you now? In this address, you will hear of 3 things that should have happened firstly we should have a deeper appreciation of the glory of our Saviour, Jesus Christ. Secondly, We should have a greater appreciation of one another and thirdly we should be alerted to the nearness of the Lord’s return.
The Apostle discribes the Lord Jesus as a living hope in his first letter. Many people today are searching for hope in all the wrong places. The Bible tells us there is a certain hope found in Jesus and the work he completed at Calvery’s cross.
The Bible tells us that our sins have separated us from the presence of a holy God but there is good news. God sent His son, Jesus Christ into this world to save you and bring you into eternal life. In this Gospel preaching, you will hear about the glorious resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ which brings hope to the world.