Listen to recordings of Gospel preachings and addresses from the Basildon, England.
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Listen to recordings of Gospel preachings and addresses from the Basildon, England.
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We all have fears and doubts in our lives. The Gospel is a message of hope that can give you faith over fear because of the Savour, Jesus Christ. Our sins have separated far from a holy God but the good news of the Gospel is that we can have faith over fear because Jesus has overcome the power of death. In this Gospel preaching you will hear how you can have faith by coming to the Lord Jesus.
The Lord Jesus was anointed of God to preach the Gospel. God so loved the world that He sent His son Jesus Christ into the world to announce to mankind the way of salvation.
The Gospel is good news in a dark world. The scriptures tell us that God commends His love to us in the Lord Jesus Christ. This glorious message shines out to proclaim to mankind the need of a Saviour.
God is sending out His Gospel and He speaks to us through His son, the Lord Jesus Christ.
In this Gospel preaching you will hear of the call of Jesus, the company of Jesus and the confrontation of Jesus as we look at Matthew chapter 5.
Jesus had an encounter with two disciples as they were walking to Emmaus. They were downcast full of sorrow they just lost the Saviour, Jesus Christ. Listen to this preaching to see these two disciples’ sorrow turn to joy when they realise Jesus who died lives again.
The writer of the book of Ecclesiastes was a man called Solomon. There is much wisdom contained in these pages of scripture including the call to “remember thy Creator in the days of thy youth”. We live in a world …
Jesus can make all things new. The Gospel is preached because God desires to make all thing new for you. In our sins we are far from God and face the coming judgment but there is good news. Jesus came into the world to save sinners. In this preaching, you will how Jesus came make things new through the work he competed at Calvary.
The Bible tells us when the fulness of time was come God sent forth His son, Jesus Christ as the Saviour for sinners. Throughout the scriptures the word, Emmanuel appears many times and it means God with us. Jesus was born into this world to bring hope to mankind. Over 2000 years ago Jesus willing laid down his life at Calvary’s cross to bring salvation for sinners.