Listen to recordings of Gospel preachings and addresses from the Basildon, England.
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Listen to recordings of Gospel preachings and addresses from the Basildon, England.
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The Gospel is a message for everyone from God himself. It is all about Jesus Christ the Saviour of the world who came into this world to save you from your sins and give you eternal life.
Jesus Christ stands at the centre of the Gospel message. As you listen you will hear of this great Saviour and what he has done that we might have everlasting life. Bible Scriptures: Darby Translation John 9:1 “And as …
Zacchaeus was curious to know more about the Lord Jesus Christ. He was really seeking a Saviour although he may not have realised it. In this Gospel preaching, you will discover what changed in Zacchaeus’s life when Jesus passed by. Bible Scriptures: …
Jesus came to this earth over 2000 years ago on a rescue mission. If we take a look around us today or even back in history we see one big barrier separating us from a holy and righteous God. That barrier is “SIN”. It may only be a three letter word, but it is what is separating YOU from God.
Most people are seeking for the true answer to this question but often travel down the wrong avenues to find it. There are many who give money to charity or go to church every Sunday just to satisfy their mind …
The Bible tells us throughout its pages that God loves us. In the Gospel preaching, you will hear of how God has given his only son the Lord Jesus to be Saviour. He gave up all His heavenly riches and became …
Are you Saved? Is this a question you can answer with assurance. Well if not take some time to listen to the Gospel. It’s all about the Lord Jesus who came from heaven to save sinners. Throughout his life, He …
In the following Gospel preaching, you will hear of the fall of man. When sin entered into the world it resulted in separation from a holy God. But God’s love is so great the Gospel is still going out proclaiming …
There are many things people do to find satisfaction. Maybe you think a new car or a new house will answer all your needs to be satisfied. But when these things come your way you’re still on the same road …