Listen to recordings of Gospel preachings and addresses from the Aberdeen, Scotland.
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Listen to recordings of Gospel preachings and addresses from the Aberdeen, Scotland.
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In this Gospel you will hear about God’s Balances and the what the scriptures say about the judgment of God. The Gospel is preached because there forgiveness and justification available to sinful man through the Lord Jesus. God sent His son Jesus Christ into the world to save sinners.
Although your sins may be many God is not holding them against you. God was in Christ, reconciling the world to himself there is opportunity in the Gospel to be reconciled to God because of the work of the Lord Jesus.
What possession in your life is most precious to you? Everyone will answer this question differently. The Gospel is preached to focus our attention on a possession that is far greater than anything material; a relationship with the Savour, Jesus Christ.
God is great and by the works of His fingers has created this wonderful universe. Creation is a testifies to the existence of God every start in the sky, every tree on the earth and every living creature tells us there is a creator. In this Gospel preaching you will hear about The Finger of God and He has demonstrated His love to us in Jesus Christ that we may have salvation.
The Gospel is not just an old story it is a beautiful message that comes from a loving Saviour God. Many people today are searching for peace, satisfaction and joy in their lives but everywhere they go ends in disappointment. The Gospel is preached from the creator of your soul and he has provided salvation for sinners who have fallen far from Him. Listen to this message and discover how you can be saved through the completed work of the Lord Jesus.
As believers in the Lord Jesus we have need for Endurance for the Christian pathway. Through all the trials, temptations and challenges of life that we face we need Endurance. In this address, you will hear how we can endure through difficult times with the Lord who provides strength for the pathway.
There is hope for mankind and it is found in the Lord Jesus Christ. The scriptures tell us our sins have brought in distances from our holy creator but in Jesus there is salvation. God has provided the way of salvation through the work Jesus completed on Calvary’s Cross.
In the following address, you hear about divine evaluation and what the scriptures teach us about God’s plan of redemption in Jesus Christ.
Many believers over history have been searching for the answer to this very popular question. “What is the Will of God?” In the following address, you will hear what the scriptures say about the will of God and how we can know it as we live for Christ.