Listen to recordings of Gospel preachings and addresses from the Aberdeen, Scotland.
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Listen to recordings of Gospel preachings and addresses from the Aberdeen, Scotland.
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The Gospel is preached that you may be saved. Saved from your sins and brought into newness of life by the work of God’s son, Jesus Christ. Are you saved?
In the Gospel we have a wonderful shepherd and saviour to present to mankind. Who is this Shepherd and a Saviour? The Bible points us to the Lord Jesus Christ.
The Bible teaches us that we have all sinned and fallen short of God’s glory. Through our sins, we distance ourselves from the holy and righteous God against whom we have transgressed. What Can Wash Away My Sin? The scriptures proclaim that salvation is found in Jesus Christ, through the work he accomplished on Calvary’s cross.
The parable of the great supper illustrates God’s invitation in the Gospel for all to come to him for salvation. Have you come to Jesus? God has provided a wonderful Saviour who’s able and willing to save you form your sins.
The Bible tells us that “God was in Christ reconciling the world to himself”. God is seeking you and he desires for you to be saved. The Lord Jesus came into the world to seek and to save that which was lost.
Jesus can set you free. God has provided a wonderful deliverer in the Lord Jesus Christ. On the cross the Lord Jesus took on himself your sins and He shed his precious blood. By this great sacrifice God is able to cleanse.
God has provided a redeemer in the Lord Jesus Christ. Over 2000 years ago, Jesus came into the world to save sinners and provide salvation for sinners. The glorious news of the Gospel is that the redeemer that God provided liveth and has defeated the power of sin and death.
The Gospel message is hope for mankind because the glorious Saviour, Jesus Christ has defeated the power of death and is now risen and fully exalted in glory. Jesus is the resurrection and the life and He is able and willing to save sinners because of the victorious work He completed at Calvary’s cross.
Jesus made seven “I Am” statements in John’s Gospel. In this address you will hear what the scriptures says and they point to the Lord Jesus the one who is all in all.