Jesus is the only person you can trust and have full confidence in his promises. Even the very best friends and family can let you down. In the Gospel, a saviour is presented who can meet the need and satisfy …
Jesus is the only person you can trust and have full confidence in his promises. Even the very best friends and family can let you down. In the Gospel, a saviour is presented who can meet the need and satisfy …
Where is safety to be found in the world today? Well, the bible tells us we can find safety in God’s only son the Lord Jesus Christ a firm foundation. As you listen to this Gospel preaching you will hear …
Jesus cares about you! He came into this world to rescue mankind from the awful power of sin. In our sins, we can’t enter into the presence of God as He is holy and righteous. But God wanted mankind to …
The Gospel is still going out by the grace of God that you may hear the Saviour’s voice. As you listen to this Gospel preaching you will hear of what Jesus has done to bring about Salvation for mankind. Which …
The Gospel is a wonderful message about a wonderful Saviour. “The Lord Jesus Christ” Who has brought to mankind Salvation so rich, so full and so free. The Bible tells us so clearly that we are all sinners before a holy …
There is only one way to enter the Kingdom of God. Jesus came to this earth over 2000 years ago to make the way to it. “Through Him” As you listen to this Gospel Preaching you will learn of how …