Most people are seeking for the true answer to this question but often travel down the wrong avenues to find it. There are many who give money to charity or go to church every Sunday just to satisfy their mind …
Most people are seeking for the true answer to this question but often travel down the wrong avenues to find it. There are many who give money to charity or go to church every Sunday just to satisfy their mind …
In this Gospel preaching, you will hear of how we can enter heaven through the living saviour the Lord Jesus Christ. There are many ideas in the world today of ways into heaven. But as you listen to this gospel …
Over 2000 years ago Jesus came to seek and save sinners. God desires for everyone to be saved and to come to know him personally so he sent Jesus on a rescue mission to redeem us to himself. Bible Scriptures: …
King Solomon was one of the richest men in history. His possessions were great and he lived the life of luxury but there came a point when he realised nothing satisfied his soul. “All Was Vanity” In this Gospel preaching, you will hear about Jesus an all-sufficient saviour who is able to bring peace to the heart and satisfaction to the soul.
Jesus came into the world and lived a perfect life of 33 and a half years without sinning once. He was the one person who didn’t deserve death. However Jesus wanting to do the will of his God and Father …
Each day a Newspaper is printed. With pages and pages of news some mostly bad and sometimes there is a little good news. But in the whole history of the world there has only been one piece of Good News …
This Christmas listen to the wonderful story of the Lord Jesus Christ who came to this earth to rescue the perishing. Bible Scriptures: Luke 2:8-17 “And there were shepherds in that country abiding without, and keeping watch by night over their flock.9 And lo, …