In this Gospel preaching you will hear about the story of Jonah and how God used him to deliver a message of good news for the people of Nineveh.
In this Gospel preaching you will hear about the story of Jonah and how God used him to deliver a message of good news for the people of Nineveh.
Jesus came into this world to be a light for mankind. The Gospel is preached to announce the wonderful news that sinners can be saved by coming to the Savour that God has provided, Jesus Christ.
The Apostle Paul desired to share a way of more surpassing excellence when he preached the Gospel. Throughout Paul’s missionary journey he delighted to share the hope Jesus can bring to the sinner who repents and believes in the Lord …
The Gospel is good news of great joy. God has provided a wonderful Saviour, Jesus Christ who brought salvation to mankind. Our sins have separated you between you and your God but God being rich in love and mercy have sent a redeemer who willing laid down His life to save you. The message of the Gospel can bring joy to your heart if come to Jesus repent and put your trust in Him.
Jesus came from heaven to earth to save you. The greatest rescue mission of all time was put into operation by God himself over 2000 years ago when he sent His own son, Jesus Christ as Saviour of the world. Many in the world today have overlooked this wonderful news but God in His amazing grace is still announcing in the Gospel that Jesus Saves.
Many people today ask that popular question, Does God exist? The Bible tells us about a man called, Jesus Christ who was born into this world over 2000 years ago to draw near to mankind to reveal the heart of God and the way of Salvation. Listen to this Gospel message and discover how Jesus is the living proof that God Exists.
Why was Jesus a Sacrifice for our sins? Could God have found another way? In this address, you see from the scriptures why Jesus was the only person who was qualified to save us from our sins. Nothing else or no one else could have saved us, only Jesus.
In this Gospel preaching, you will hear about the story of Jesus and why he came into the world to save sinners.
God invites us to look to his Son, Jesus in the Gospel. There is a Saviour for sinners and God has fully revealed his rescue plan in the scriptures. From Genesis to Revelation God has revealed to us his plan of redemption in his word. Over 2000 years ago, Jesus came into the world to reveal God’s heart of love to mankind. Listen to this Gospel preaching to discover how you can come into the joy of knowing your sins are forgiven and Jesus as your personal Saviour.