God has provided a Saviour in the Lord Jesus Christ. Over 2000 years ago God sent his Son, Jesus into the world to save sinners.
God has provided a Saviour in the Lord Jesus Christ. Over 2000 years ago God sent his Son, Jesus into the world to save sinners.
In this Gospel preaching, you will hear about the parable of the Great Banquet from Luke 14. This parable illustrates God’s wonderful invitation of grace proclaimed in the Gospel. This wonderful message has been preached for over 2000 years and yet there is room for souls to be saved.
In this Gospel preaching, you will hear what the Bible tells us about The Resurrection of Christ. There is now hope for mankind through the completed work Jesus completed at Calvery cross.
If you read the Old Testament you will notice passages that point to the work and person of the Lord Jesus Christ. In this Gospel preaching, you will hear of the Passover lamb which points to Jesus and the work he completed at Calvary.
The Gospel is an urgent warning from God to mankind. Have you responded to it?
Paul describes Jesus Christ as “our hope”. The Gospel is preached that you may receive hope by coming to God’s Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. Over 2000 years ago Jesus came into the world to save sinners and he journeyed to Calvery cross where he took on himself our sins that we may be saved. The Bible tells us that at the cross he shed his precious blood that we may be saved. Listen to this Gospel preaching and discover the hope Jesus can bring by trusting in him as your Lord and Saviour.
Today is the Day of Salvation… God has given you another opportunity for you to hear the Gospel invitation. Have you accepted this wonderful invitation? There is coming a day when the Gospel message will cease but now at this moment, you can be saved by calling on the name of the Lord. Over 2000 years ago Jesus came into the world to save sinners. He journeyed to Calvery’s Cross where he suffered for your sins that you may be SAVED. Today is the Day of Salvation oh friend accepted Jesus as your saviour today.
Jesus was travelling to Jerusalem and the Bible tells us in Luke’s Gospel that he entered Samaria. Listen to this Gospel message and discover what happened when 10 lepers had an encounter with Jesus.
Jesus came to this earth over 2000 years ago on a rescue mission. If we take a look around us today or even back in history we see one big barrier separating us from a holy and righteous God. That barrier …