Many people today look for satisfaction in their career, money and possessions but the Bible tells us that only Christ can truly satisfy our souls. The Gospel is preached that you may be introduced to the Saviour of the world, the Lord Jesus Christ.
Many people today look for satisfaction in their career, money and possessions but the Bible tells us that only Christ can truly satisfy our souls. The Gospel is preached that you may be introduced to the Saviour of the world, the Lord Jesus Christ.
God is appealing to you to come to Him through the Gospel. The glorious invitation of the Gospel presents the Lord Jesus Christ as the Saviour of the world. The Bible says that we have all sinned and fallen short of the glory of God, but the wonderful news in the Gospel is that Jesus has come into the world to save sinners. Over 2000 years ago, on the cross, the Lord Jesus who knew no sin, became sin for us so that we might be reconciled to God.
Have you responded to this wonderful invitation? God’s word urges you, “Today, if you hear His voice, do not harden your hearts.”
What does it mean to grow in Christ? Spiritual growth will never happen automatically. There must be desire to grow in our relationship with the Lord Jesus. In this address, you will hear of the importance of reading God’s word and spending time in the presence of the Lord Jesus that we might grow spiritually for the glory of God.
In this Gospel preaching you will hear about God’s son, a man called Jesus who came into this world to bring Salvation to mankind. Bible Scriptures: Darby Translation John 9:1-10 “9 And as he passed on, he saw a man blind …
This time of year it is very easy to become overwhelmed by all the traditions of Christmas and lose sight of greatest story of all the birth of a king, Jesus Christ. The Gospel is a wonderful message of hope about a king who was born to save mankind from their sins. The Lord Jesus was God’s son sent into this world to bring salvation by going to Calvary’s cross where he laid down His life for you. Jesus was A king born to save sinners.
God is calling you in the Gospel today. Have you responded to His invitation? Maybe you heard the Gospel message before or perhaps it’s your first time listing to God’s invitation. The Bible tells us TODAY is the day of salvation. Over 2000 years ago, the Lord Jesus came into this world to redeem sinful man from the coming judgment. God sent His OWN Son Jesus, to die in your place. He was crucified on a cross and shed His blood for YOU! By this great sacrifice God is able to forgive our sins and cleanse us righteously.
The Gospel is a message of good news and it is all about Jesus. God is sending out an invitation in love and grace to tell mankind about the wonderful Salvation that is available in the Lord Jesus. Come and listen.
Joy is so important in the Christian pathway and this why believers need to be reminded of it often. The Apostle Paul writes to the Philippians encouraging them to “Rejoice in [the] Lord always: again I will say, Rejoice”. We all face situations we don’t expect and often we find ourselves becoming overwelled by the difficulties of the day but Paul is saying “”Rejoice in [the] Lord always”. No matter our present situation be joyful in the Lord.
Not long after the creation of the world the devil asked a question to Eve intending to cause her to doubt what God had said. “Has God indeed said?” We live in a ever changing world but God’s word remains the same. In this Gospel preaching, you will hear of what God has done to save mankind from the power of sin through the work of the Lord Jesus.