In Luke 15, we read of a parable that Jesus told about two sons who were lost. The Lord uses this parable to explain the Gospel message and the love of God for mankind.
In Luke 15, we read of a parable that Jesus told about two sons who were lost. The Lord uses this parable to explain the Gospel message and the love of God for mankind.
The Bible says all men have sinned before a holy and righteous God. We have all been found guilty by breaking God’s law and face the penalty of death. All of us appear in the courtroom of Heaven but there is good news for the sinner in the Gospel. Jesus came into the world to SAVE sinners.
Do You Belong to Christ? Is He precious to you?
Jesus came to free us from death, sin and Satan. Over 2000 years ago, Jesus went to Calvery’s cross where he took on himself our sins and shed his precious blood to redeem us for God. Listen to this Gospel and discover how you can be brought into freedom by the work of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Today in the United Kingdom is Census day 2021 where everyone in the land is counted. Have you been written in Heaven’s census, the book of life? Jesus came into the world to redeem sinners from their sins. Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved and their name will be recorded in the book of life as one of the redeemed.
In this Gospel preaching, you will hear of the story when Jesus Heals a Paralytic.
Many people throughout history have asked this question and it is still asked by many today. Who is Jesus Christ? The Bible presents him as the Son of God who came into the world as a Saviour to redeem fallen mankind.
In this Gospel preaching, you will hear of three people who had a living encounter with the Lord Jesus Christ. The Bible tells us that Jesus is “the way, and the truth, and the life”. Each of these three encounters came to know Jesus as The Way, The Truth & The Life.
The Bible tells us that God has always had a plan of salvation from his coming judgement. In the Gospels, Jesus tells us as it was in the Days of Noah so it will be when the Son of Man (JESUS) comes. Christians believe that day is coming very soon. The Bible tells us that God commanded Noah to build an ark for the saving of his household. In the same way, God has prepared a way of salvation for sinners through his son the Lord Jesus Christ. Listen to this Gospel to discover how you can be SAVED through the wonderful work of Jesus.