Only Jesus can set us truly free. Are you free? In this Gospel you will hear about freedom from sin and the new life found in surrendering to the Lord Jesus.
Only Jesus can set us truly free. Are you free? In this Gospel you will hear about freedom from sin and the new life found in surrendering to the Lord Jesus.
This year at Refresh 2024 we looked at the subject of Reality and what it means to be a real Christian. In this talk, you we will look at the reality of Faith & Hope for the believer in the Lord Jesus. Sometimes we can become discouraged and doubts can enter our minds. At times like these it’s good to look back at God has done for us. Looking back helps us look forward in reality of faith.
The wonderful gift God has given is His beloved son, Jesus Christ who came into this world as a Saviour for sinners. Have you come to the Saviour? The Lord Jesus is willing and able to save you. On the cross the Lord Jesus laid down His life for sinners that we might have peace with God.
God has a plan of salvation for mankind and it is absolutely perfect. God’s plan doesn’t need to be added to and nothing needs to be taken away. God so loved the world that He sent His son, Jesus Christ as Saviour for sinners. On the cross, Jesus cried out “It is finished”. The work that Jesus came to do was completed to God’s satisfaction and the scriptures tell us that God raised Him from the dead. Jesus is able to save and deliver you. Have you responded to this great message of salvation?
Jesus is a refuge for the sinner. He came on a rescue mission to save you and bring you salvation from your sins. Have you received Jesus as your Saviour? On the cross Jesus laid down His life that you might be saved from the coming judgement. The Gospel is a message from God himself and is freely available to all. Why not accept the free offer of grace?
There is a great need for shepherds for the people of God today. The Bible tells us that God has given some shepherds and teachers to the church. As believers in the Lord Jesus, we need spiritual food to sustain us, encourage us and build us up ready to serve. Why does the church need shepherds? What are the qualities of a shepherd? In this address, you will hear from God’s words about the needed features of a shepherd to sustain believers in Christ. It may sound a challenging task but remember we have a model we can follow in the Lord Jesus Christ the good shepherd who gave his life for the sheep.
Have you responded to God’s offer of grace? The Gospel is a invitation from God to you. John 3:16 says, “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” At the cross the Lord Jesus laid down his life that you might be saved. Come and hear the wonderful Gospel story of the Saviour of the world.
If we take a look around us today or even back in history we see one big barrier separating us from a holy and righteous God. That barrier is “SIN”. God knows the heart and our innermost thoughts. This sin barrier is too much for us to take on ourselves. In fact, there is no way we can remove it on our own. That is why God sent someone to REMOVE it completely, a Saviour; Jesus Christ.
Jesus is calling you. Will you answer his call? The Gospel is still being preached because Jesus is still calling you and in his love and grace, He has given you another opportunity to answer Him. The Bible tells us that over 2000 years ago Jesus came into this world to call sinners to repentance. Jesus came to this earth over 2000 years ago on a rescue mission. If we take a look around us today or even back in history we see one big barrier separating us from a holy and righteous God. This sin-barrier is too much for us to take on ourselves. In fact, there is no way we can remove it on our own. That is why God sent someone to REMOVE it completely, a Saviour; Jesus Christ. God sent His OWN Son Jesus, to die in your place. He was crucified on a cross and shed His blood for YOU! By this great sacrifice, God is able to cleanse.