In this Gospel preaching you will hear about the sword of life and the sword of death. Bible Scriptures: Darby Translation Judges 3:15-22 “15 And the children of Israel cried to Jehovah, and Jehovah raised them up a saviour, Ehud the …
In this Gospel preaching you will hear about the sword of life and the sword of death. Bible Scriptures: Darby Translation Judges 3:15-22 “15 And the children of Israel cried to Jehovah, and Jehovah raised them up a saviour, Ehud the …
In a world where promises are often broken, God’s word remains unshaken. This word highlights the certainty of God’s unchangeable promise, reminding us that His faithfulness never wavers. The Scriptures assure us that what God has spoken, He will surely fulfil.
Many people today find themselves distressed by the trials and worries of life. The Gospel calls sinners to the Lord Jesus Christ, God’s only begotten Son, whom He sent as the Saviour of the world. There is hope for the distressed sinner in the Gospel because Jesus has come to bring salvation and turn darkness into light. He welcomes you through the Gospel. Have you accepted His invitation?
The Gospel is preached to reveal the way of salvation to fallen mankind. This salvation is not found in a set of rules or ideas but is centred on a person: the Lord Jesus Christ.
In this ministry word you will hear of 3 people who were singled out for service. Bible Scriptures: Darby Translation Mark 3:13-17 “13 And he goes up into the mountain, and calls whom he himself would, and they went to him.14 And …
Jesus teaches us to store treasures in heaven, not on earth where moth and rust spoils. In this ministry word, you will hear from God’s word about the importance of laying up treasures in heaven.
In this gospel preaching, you will hear about God’s Son, Jesus Christ. Firstly, you will hear about His majesty and glory; secondly, you will hear about His loneliness that took Him to Calvary’s cross. It is at the cross where the Lord Jesus suffered and died for your sins, that you might be saved from the coming judgment.
Many people want to make the most of their lives with a good career, places to visit, or maybe other goals they want to achieve. In this Gospel preaching, you will hear of two men with different lives: one who was not ready to meet God and one who was ready to meet God. Are you ready to meet God?
In this Gospel preaching you will hear of four things; Righteousness, holiness, love and eternal life. Each of these have been shown to us in the person of the Lord Jesus Christ.