God has blessed each believer with every spiritual blessing in the heavenlies but to be in joy of this we must give Christ the first place. Does Christ have the first place in your life?
God has blessed each believer with every spiritual blessing in the heavenlies but to be in joy of this we must give Christ the first place. Does Christ have the first place in your life?
God desires for your soul to prosper and for your faith in the Lord Jesus to really grow. Sometimes our spiritual walk can become dry and we can experience leanness of soul. In this short word you will hear what the scriptures say about prosperity and giving Christ the first place.
The Gospel is preached that you may establish answers to two very important questions. Where have you come from? and Where are you going? God’s word has answers to these questions and it is in the Lord Jesus we find the answers.
God is great and by the works of His fingers has created this wonderful universe. Creation is a testifies to the existence of God every start in the sky, every tree on the earth and every living creature tells us there is a creator. In this Gospel preaching you will hear about The Finger of God and He has demonstrated His love to us in Jesus Christ that we may have salvation.
God desires for you to be saved. The Bible tells us that the Lord Jesus came into this world sent by God to make His heart to known to mankind. Are you saved? Have you responded to the Gospel invitation? God desires for all men to be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth. The scriptures tell us that God so loved the world that He sent His Son, Jesus Christ a Saviour for sinners.
Is your heart on fire for Christ? It is very easy to lose our zeal for the work of the Lord Jesus but God desires for believers to faithful and true for Him. In this address you will hear a word to encourage the believer’s faith to keep our hearts on fire and burning bright for Jesus.
The world has recently passed through a period of unprecedented times. The question raised in this Address is, what effect has this time had on us? Where are you now? In this address, you will hear of 3 things that should have happened firstly we should have a deeper appreciation of the glory of our Saviour, Jesus Christ. Secondly, We should have a greater appreciation of one another and thirdly we should be alerted to the nearness of the Lord’s return.
The Gospel is preached to announce the Good news that God has provided a Saviour in the Lord Jesus Christ. In this Gospel preaching, you will hear of two situations of distance from the Bible where God drew near to mankind.
God has given another opportunity for the Gospel to preached again. Please don’t neglect so great salvation. In this Gospel preaching, you will hear what God has done to save mankind from sin and bring in enteral life.