God’s message of salvation is for all people. The Bible tells us that our sins have separated us from the presence of a holy and righteous God but the good news in the Gospel is that God has provided a Saviour, Jesus Christ.
God’s message of salvation is for all people. The Bible tells us that our sins have separated us from the presence of a holy and righteous God but the good news in the Gospel is that God has provided a Saviour, Jesus Christ.
In this Gospel preaching, you will hear about The Parable of the Wedding Feast that Jesus told in Matthew’s Gospel. It is God’s desire that you may be saved and come into the blessing of eternal life.
God has provided a Saviour for sinners. The Lord Jesus Christ came into the world to redeem fallen man from the power of sin and death. Listen to this Gospel preaching, you will hear the wonderful story of God’s grace and love.
Many people today look for satisfaction in their career, money and possessions but the bible tells us that only Christ can truly satisfy our souls. The Gospel is preached that you may be introduced to the Saviour of the world, the Lord Jesus Christ.
When Jesus was standing in Pilate’s hall mankind shouted: “Away with this man, we do not want this man to reign over us”. Jesus came into the world to save sinners and bring us into the blessing of eternal life. Forgiveness is available through the Lord Jesus Christ. This invitation goes out to ask you this question, What will you do with Jesus?
Many people have faced many challenges and trials in recent months but God in his grace is still appealing to mankind in the Gospel. Over 2000 years ago God sent his Son, Jesus Christ into the world to save sinners. Listen to this Gospel preaching and discover what Jesus did at Calvary’s cross that you may be saved. It is time to Seek Jehovah.
Hope is lacking in the world today. There isn’t very good news being reported at the moment and the world is without HOPE. The Gospel is preached to proclaim A Message of Hope to mankind. God’s plan to redeem sinful man through His Son Jesus Christ has been revealed to us in the Bible. Listen to this Gospel preaching and discover how you can receive HOPE by accepting the Lord Jesus as your personal saviour.
Jesus came to this earth over 2000 years ago on a rescue mission. If we take a look around us today or even back in history we see one big barrier separating us from a holy and righteous God. That barrier is “SIN” At the cross, Jesus took on himself our sin penalty and shed his precious blood. By this great sacrifice, God is able to cleanse.
Why was Jesus on the Cross? Jesus came to this earth over 2000 years ago on a rescue mission. If we take a look around us today or even back in history we see one big barrier separating us from a holy and righteous God. This sin-barrier is too much for us to take on ourselves. In fact, there is no way we can remove it on our own. That is why God sent someone to REMOVE it completely, a Saviour; Jesus Christ. God sent His OWN Son Jesus, to die in your place. He was crucified on a cross and shed His blood for YOU!