The Lord is faithful provides for us day by day. In this ministry word you will hear of examples from the scriptures when God provided for his people.
The Lord is faithful provides for us day by day. In this ministry word you will hear of examples from the scriptures when God provided for his people.
The Gospel brings hope to sinful man. God has provided salvation for mankind through His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. Our sins have carried us far away from God’s holy presence but there is forgiveness for mankind and we see God’s love at Calvary’s cross.
Sometime we may think as believers once we are saved why can’t we be taken away from the challenges of life to be with the Lord Jesus. In John 17 we read of the Lord desires for believers not to be taken out of the world but he prays they may be kept from evil. The Lord has us in mind for a greater purpose to be used for testimony and blessing.
The Gospel is preached that you might receive peace. Many people today are looking for peace but often they can’t find it in anything in this world. The Bible tells us how we can find true peace in the person and work of the Lord Jesus Christ. Listen to this Gospel preaching and discover how you can find peace by trust in the work of Jesus.
God has revealed His wonderful love to us in His son, Jesus Christ. At the cross the Lord Jesus stepped into the sinner’s place that we may be saved from our sins and brought into eternal life. Listen to this Gospel preaching and discover how God’s Love Revealed in Righteousness to us in Jesus Christ.
The Lord Jesus Christ came into this world to suffer and die at Calvary’s cross to save undeserving sinners. What a message of hope the Gospel is? This world can offer you no hope, no peace and no joy but the Gospel is preached that you may receive these things by coming to know the Saviour, Jesus Christ.
There are a lot of distractions in the world today that can overtake us. Paul tells us in his letter to the Colossians to set your minds on things that are above where Jesus is.
God is able to wash away our sins by the the precious blood of the Lord Jesus. The scriptures tell us that the blood of Jesus Christ cleanses us from all sin. Over 200 years ago, Jesus went to Calvary’s cross where he took on himself our sins that we may be saved.
God loves you with an everlasting love and He desires for you to be saved from your sins. The Bible tells us that God is willing to forgive you of your sins because of the completed work of the Lord Jesus.