God’s message of salvation is for all people. The Bible tells us that our sins have separated us from the presence of a holy and righteous God but the good news in the Gospel is that God has provided a Saviour, Jesus Christ.
God’s message of salvation is for all people. The Bible tells us that our sins have separated us from the presence of a holy and righteous God but the good news in the Gospel is that God has provided a Saviour, Jesus Christ.
The Gospel is about a friend of sinners, the person of the Lord Jesus Christ. The Bible tells us that our sins have separated us between you and your God. No efforts by man can earn us favour with God. The only way to receive peace and forgiveness is by coming to the man God has appointed, the Lord Jesus Christ.
To live we all require food & drink to grow and sustain our bodies. God desires for His people to be fed spiritually by the word of God. Regular nourishment for the soul is vital for the Christian life. In this address, you will discover the importance of reading and studying the Bible to bring nourishment to your soul.
The Bible says all men have sinned before a holy and righteous God. We have all been found guilty by breaking God’s law and face the penalty of death. All of us appear in the courtroom of Heaven but there is good news for the sinner in the Gospel. Jesus came into the world to SAVE sinners.
In the epistle John, the apostle is overjoyed to commend a group of believers who were walking in the truth. We fancy challenging times today but God desire for all believers is to continue walking in the truth and hold fast the things of God.
The Bible tells us that all mankind has sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. In this Gospel preaching, you will hear about the Lord Jesus who came into this world to save us from our sins and bind the strong man the devil.
Many people today are searching for hope in many avenues in their life. The Bible says the only way to find true living hope is in the person of the Lord Jesus Christ. In this Gospel preaching, you will hear of the hope Jesus can give you throughout an ever-changing world.
Many people today are looking for assurance in their money, possessions or career. The Bible tells us the only way to receive assurance is by accepting the Lord Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour. Listen to this Gospel preaching and discover what Jesus has done to save you from your sins and give you assurance of salvation.
God is Good. King David tells us in the Psalms that God is merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and abundant in goodness and truth. The Gospel is preached to announce the good news that Jesus came into the world to save sinners.