It is by the truth of the Gospel that Christians are established. In this address, you will hear of the amazing blessing the Christian can know by abiding in the Lord Jesus Christ. Bible Scriptures: Darby Translation Psalms 130:1-4 Out of the …
It is by the truth of the Gospel that Christians are established. In this address, you will hear of the amazing blessing the Christian can know by abiding in the Lord Jesus Christ. Bible Scriptures: Darby Translation Psalms 130:1-4 Out of the …
The apostle Paul was one who was fully persuaded to believe the Gospel. Since Paul met the Lord Jesus on the Damascus road he never was the same again. He had a hope that no man could ever take away …
Listen to this message to discover the true blessings the Christian is brought into by trusting in Jesus. For the believer in Christ there is a new beginning with no condemnation. Because God has reached us in Christ and has reconciled us to himself.
What does it mean to be born again? In this address, you will hear what the scriptures teach us about new birth in the believer’s life. Each believer who has born again is walking in newness of life which is a testimony to the work Christ has done in our souls.
The Lord Jesus has secured many vessels for His service by the wonderful work He completed at the cross. It is by His victory He has brought out a rich harvest for God. In this Address, you will hear what …
Jesus is risen and ascended and is seated at the right hand of God. In this address, you hear of where the Lord Jesus is now. As believers, we can claim victory over sin and death because Jesus is risen and …
The Lord Jesus Christ came from heaven to bring the wonderful gift of eternal life. Have you received it? Listen to this Gospel preaching and discover that life is found alone in Jesus.
King Agrippa heard the Gospel preached from the Apostle Paul and his reply was “In a little thou persuadest me to become a Christian”. Whats your answer?
God has fully revealed himself and his love for us in the person of His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. The Gospel is preached to announce the good news of Jesus to the world.