God desires for every believer to pursue peace and be part of building up one another.
God desires for every believer to pursue peace and be part of building up one another.
After having an encounter with Jesus on the Damascus Road the Apostle Paul came to trust in the Lord as his Saviour. A few days after he saved he begin to announce the Gospel of his Saviour. Today as the Gospel is preached we want to tell you the Good News that God’s love has been to revealed to you in Jesus.
Through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, the believer can be freed from sin and made alive to God. Listen to the following Gospel message to understand how you can enjoy the salvation of God through the saviour Jesus Christ.
Many people today are searching for the way to heaven and peace with God. In this Gospel preaching, you will hear what the Bible says about the way the heaven and peace with God.
God’s love is towards us even though mankind has sinned and fallen short of his glory. Jesus came to redeem the sinner and over 2000 years ago he came into this world and journeyed to Calvary’s cross to bring salvation to mankind. Listen to this message to find out more about God’s Remarkable Love.
Jesus is the way to life! Over 2000 years ago God sent his son, the Lord Jesus on a rescue mission to redeem the sinner. At the age of 33, Jesus began to share the Gospel with mankind and he boldly proclaimed the way we can receive eternal life. Listen to this Gospel message to discover how you can receive life from Jesus because of his wonderful victory at Calvary’s Cross.
Many believers over history have been searching for the answer to this very popular question. “What is the Will of God?” In the following address, you will hear what the scriptures say about the will of God and how we can know it as we live for Christ.
Jesus faced all the challenges that we face as mankind, and yet he remained perfect and without sin. He was sent by God to provide salvation to fallen sinful man. God’s word tells us there is only one mediator between God and mankind, the man Christ Jesus. Have you accepted Jesus as your Saviour and Lord?
There is salvation for sinner found at Calvary’s cross where Jesus died and shed his precious blood to redeem you. What a saviour! Have you received Jesus as your Lord and Saviour? The Bible tells us to simply Call On the Name of The Lord and you will be saved.