In this Address, you will hear a word as to the Glory of the Lord Jesus in the Assembly. Bible Scriptures: Darby Translation Psalm 118:22-23 “[The] stone which the builders rejected hath become the head of the corner:23 This is of …
In this Address, you will hear a word as to the Glory of the Lord Jesus in the Assembly. Bible Scriptures: Darby Translation Psalm 118:22-23 “[The] stone which the builders rejected hath become the head of the corner:23 This is of …
The Lord Jesus came into this world to announce the forgiveness of God and the great love of God. The Bible tells us that God is holy cannot have sin in presence. But the Good news of the gospel is that there is a way that God can forgive without bringing down his righteousness. The Lord Jesus came to save sinners and He knew no sin but he became sin that we might be saved. Find out more as you listen to this Gospel preaching.
Have you got your eye on the Cornerstone? In this address, you will hear of the importance of giving the Lord Jesus Christ the first place in your life. Whether it be at school, college or work we should always give Him the first place.
God is able to offer security without anxiety for your soul because of the work of Christ. At Calvary’s cross, Jesus laid down his life to redeem, save and restore your soul for God. Have you answered to God’s invitation? It’s FREE and still available through God’s wonderful love and grace.
God desires for his people to make spiritual progress as they walk the Christian pathway. Sometimes believers can hit the pause button on their Christian pathway and miss what God has for them. In this address, you will hear of the importance of making spiritual progress in your Christian walk that you may enjoy what God has in store for you.
In this Address, you will hear about the Lord Jesus as the Saviour, the Guide and the Conquering King.