The Gospel is the Greatest message of all. Its Good news to the sinner that there is Salvation completely in the one person and Saviour Jesus Christ. He came to this earth on a rescue mission the Bible says Christ …
The Gospel is the Greatest message of all. Its Good news to the sinner that there is Salvation completely in the one person and Saviour Jesus Christ. He came to this earth on a rescue mission the Bible says Christ …
God is still speaking to mankind and the Bible tells us God speaks with a small gentle voice so that you may hear the Gospel invitation and respond to it. Bible Scriptures:- Psalm 93:3-4 “The floods lifted up, O Jehovah, …
God is Love! He sent his only son the Lord Jesus Christ to be the Saviour for mankind. Jesus came into this world and lived a perfect life of 33 and half years without sinning once. He was the one person who didn’t deserve death or the pain he suffered. However, Jesus (wanting to do the will of His God and Father and loving you) went the way of the cross. On that cross Jesus took on himself our sins and he shed his precious blood.
He was laid in the grave for three days. But on the third day he rose from the dead as nothing could keep Jesus in the death. He has RISEN!
By what Jesus did at the cross our sins can be forgiven and we can be born again in Christ. “the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanses us from all sin.” (1 John 1:7) To receive this great Salvation the Bible tells us to REPENT and BELIEVE. To repent means to be willing to change, to turn from your sins and depend totally on the Lord Jesus Christ in faith and “whosoever believes on him may not perish, but have life eternal.” John 3:16.
When you open your Bible and read of the Lord Jesus Christ you see a man of glory and perfection. Who completely has won the victory over sin and death. He emptied himself and came to this earth to bring …
The same God who is the creator of the universe is the author of the Bible who wants to meet with you and give you eternal life. Come meet the author today! Bible Scriptures:- Psalm 119:105 “Thy word is a …
The Bible tells us that in the sight of God we are sinners all of us. But God loves you and wants you to be with him forever. But how can this be as we are sinners and he is …
God is able to Save and God is able to Forgive because of the Lord Jesus Christ. It was Jesus who came to this earth on a rescue mission to bring Salvation to whosoever trust in him as Saviour. We …
The Gospel is a wonderful story about God’s love for mankind. Throughout history, there has never been a greater story than the Gospel. Today, as you listen to this Gospel, consider God’s love for you. Over 2000 years ago God sent his only son, Jesus Christ into the world to save you. The Bible tells us in our sins we are far from God but He has run to meet us in the person of Jesus Christ. By his completed work on Calvary’s cross, you can be forgiven and brought into God’s presence.
God knows you and loves you with an everlasting love. He has made a way of salvation for you through his son the Lord Jesus Christ. It was Jesus who journeyed to calvary cross and suffered and died for your …