In the following address, you will hear about What proceeds from the house of God. I trust you will be encouraged as you listen.
In the following address, you will hear about What proceeds from the house of God. I trust you will be encouraged as you listen.
In the following address you will hear what scripture has to say about the millennium, the coming reign of the Lord Jesus Christ.
People today like to think they can make it to heaven by themselves. But the Bible tells us that it is only by the work of the Lord Jesus that we can be saved from our sins and given a …
Jesus has the power to forgive sins and restore our relationship with God. The love of God is so great he has provided a saviour. It is our desire as you listen to the following gospel message that you may …
Everyone is in need of redemption. Why? The scriptures tell us the answer “All have sinned and come short the glory of God”. From the moment Adam and Eve sinned they were cast out of God’s presence but God being rich in love, grace and mercy planned a rescue mission involving his son, the Lord Jesus Christ.
It is by trusting the work of the Lord Jesus that the sinner can be saved. In this Gospel preaching you will hear of the compassion that Jesus had for us that led him to Calvary’s cross.
Many people today continue to ignore God’s way of salvation. By God’s grace the Gospel of the Lord Jesus is still being preached. Mankind can still call upon the name of the Lord and be saved. But there is coming …
We all like to be in control at some point in our lives. By nature we like going our own way and we like making our own decisions. But the Bible tells us not to trust in ourselves but to …
In this gospel preaching, you will hear of the Lord Jesus Christ God’s son who came into this world to save sinners. “O what a Saviour” Is Jesus your personal Saviour? Listen to this Gospel preaching to discover what he’s done …