Many people today are lost and don’t know where they are going. The Gospel is preached that you may be found in the salvation the Lord Jesus has provided.
Many people today are lost and don’t know where they are going. The Gospel is preached that you may be found in the salvation the Lord Jesus has provided.
In this Gospel preaching you will hear of 5 big assurances of scripture. There is forgiveness of sins, eternal life, joy, the power to overcome temptation and we have a faithful God who will guide us safely to heaven. Each of these assurances are available for you in the Gospel because of the work the Lord Jesus completed in Calvary’s cross.
The fear of death can steal the joy of our salvation. The words “Fear not” appears in the Bible 365 times. In the world today many are fearful of the reality of death. God desires for each believer to conquer this fear by depending totally on our Saviour and Lord, Jesus Christ. In Christ, we are able to overcome the fear of death and by faith in Him, our hearts are filled with joy.
In this Gospel, you will hear of two journeys one leads to life and the other to judgment. Which one are you on? The Gospel is preached to announce to mankind the way of Salvation through the person of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Many people today are searching for hope in many avenues in their life. The Bible says the only way to find true living hope is in the person of the Lord Jesus Christ. In this Gospel preaching, you will hear of the hope Jesus can give you throughout an ever-changing world.
In this preaching, you will hear about The Glad Tidings of Jesus. Throughout history, there has been many stories and messages passed down through the generations but the Gospel is the greatest story ever told. God sent his Son, Jesus Christ into the world to rescue fallen man from perishing. Today by God’s grace the Gospel continues to be proclaimed because God desires for all men to be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth.
God has made his love for mankind known in the person of his Son, Jesus Christ. Over 2000 years ago, Jesus journeyed to Calvery’s cross where he took on himself the sins of mankind that by his death we may be saved. By this great sacrifice, God is able to cleanse.
Because Jesus was perfect, nothing could keep Him in death, and He is living today. How amazing – the Saviour of the human race has brought salvation which is available to all! Jesus shed His precious blood!
Jesus came to this earth over 2000 years ago on a rescue mission to save sinners. The Bible tells us that Jesus is the way, the truth and the life and by trusting in him as saviour we can have peace with God.
God’s desires a people who are marked by faith and live dependently on God in every day.