In the following address you will hear of few Men of the New Testament and we can learn from their character for the service of the Lord Jesus. I trust you all will be encouraged and help by this address. Bible …
In the following address you will hear of few Men of the New Testament and we can learn from their character for the service of the Lord Jesus. I trust you all will be encouraged and help by this address. Bible …
In this Address, you will hear a message as to the path of Christian witness. Each believer should shine out as a witness for Christ whether it be at school, college or work. This is a real challenge to each one of us, But how amazing it is that we can take courage in Christ as he will help us along the path.
There are times when we fail Lord without intending too. In this Address, you will hear of the times when the Lord corrected Peter so he would be more serviceable to Him. I trust as you listen you may learn from Peter’s …
In this address, you will hear of men and women in the scriptures who had a touch from the Lord and were changed and made available for service.
There is rest for the believer in the tender love of Jesus. Are you resting in the love of Jesus? It is God’s desire that you may find rest for your soul in the glorious saviour the Lord Jesus Christ.
In this address, you will hear of the Saviour who can bring warmth and security to your soul if you turn to him. Bible Scriptures: Darby Translation Matthew 11:28-30 “Come to me, all ye who labour and are burdened, and …
In this Gospel preaching, you will hear The Next Great Event, the coming of the Lord Jesus. No one knows the day or the hour of the second coming of Christ but we know from scripture it is the next great event that will happen in God’s timing. Are you ready for the coming of Jesus?
In the Gospel, God sends out an urgent warning to all mankind concerning a coming judgment. A day has been set by God in which He will judge the habitable earth. But currently it is still the day of grace …
In this address, you will hear of the importance of prayer to the believer’s life. As we read of Lord Jesus we see a great man of prayer. We as his followers should model our lives to be more like Him. Listen to this address to discover how to achieve this.