As a Christian, the presence of Lord Jesus is known to us. For he made himself know to us by coming in with Salvation. We have a hope of Heaven and we know we are going there to be with …
As a Christian, the presence of Lord Jesus is known to us. For he made himself know to us by coming in with Salvation. We have a hope of Heaven and we know we are going there to be with …
When we take a look at Jesus we can see the love of God. The Bible tells us that God so loved the world that he gave his only son. God in love sent Jesus as a Saviour of the …
Do you have a living link with the Lord Jesus Christ? The Lord wants the closest walk with you but are you willing to meet with him and spend time in his presence to strength your link with him. Bible …
In the following address, you will hear about The Lord’s Touch, Look and Message. Bible Verses Read: Matthew 8:3-3 “And when he had come down from the mountain, great crowds followed him.2 And behold, a leper came up to [him] and did …
If you read the Bible and study it you will notice there are many Impressions Of Christ. It’s not just a History Book. It’s His Story! As you go through all 66 books of the Bible you will notice that Christ is the centre of the Bible. When you read the Old Testament and the New Testament you should see impressions of Christ.
The Holy Spirit is here with an objective to bring glory to the Lord Jesus Christ. In this address, you will hear what God set on when the Holy Spirit came at the beginning of Pentecost.
How Much Do You Value Christ?
There is a coming day when the Lord Jesus will come back to take every believer to be with himself. The question is when he returns will he come for you?
As believers in the Lord Jesus Christ, we all face conflict from the devil and the world. The scriptures tell us that in this world we will receive tribulation and times of trial. But the Bible also tells us that our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ has overcome the world. Because of the Lord’s victory at the cross we to can taste in His victory by standing and trusting in Him. As you listen to the following address you will hear about Christian Conflict and how we can overcome times of trial because of the Lord’s victory.