What are you building upon? Many people today build their lives on various different foundations, some choose money and others fame. But the bible tells us that there is only one foundation we can build upon that remains. This foundation …
What are you building upon? Many people today build their lives on various different foundations, some choose money and others fame. But the bible tells us that there is only one foundation we can build upon that remains. This foundation …
We all like to be in control at some point in our lives. By nature we like going our own way and we like making our own decisions. But the Bible tells us not to trust in ourselves but to …
The scriptures tell us to seek after the things of God first. In the following address, you will hear of what the Bible says as to seeking God. The believer is one who should seek God in all things and put God’s rights before his/her own. Listen to this address to understand more of how a Christian should seek and stand for the things of God.
Have you heard the news? God has provided a saviour that the sinner might be saved. This saviour is the Lord Jesus Christ and there is salvation in no one else. In this Gospel preaching you will hear of this …
The Lord Jesus came into this world to save YOU. In this Gospel preaching, you will hear of the wonderful power the Lord has to save sinners from perishing. I trust this recording will be an encouragement to you as you listen. …
Once a person has been confronted by Lord Jesus and his wonderful work of Salvation they are never the same again. The question ” What will you do with Jesus?” leaves mankind with a responsibility to respond. The sinner who believes is …
Throughout all the years this world has seen this question still remains in many people’s minds. “Who Is Jesus?” In this Gospel preaching, you will come face to face with this question. I trust as you listen to God’s word you will …
The Bible tells us that there is no other person but Jesus who can save sinful man. As you listen to this recording you will hear of God’s requirements for sinners to be saved and have peace with God. Bible Scriptures: …
As you listen to this Gospel preaching you will hear of a wonderful and precious Saviour. Who came to this earth over 2000 years ago to seek and save sinners. He journeyed from the manger to cross to die on Calvary. …