In this Gospel preaching you will hear the true story when Jesus Heals Blind Bartimaeus.
In this Gospel preaching you will hear the true story when Jesus Heals Blind Bartimaeus.
There is hope for you in the Gospel. God has provide a Saviour who came into this world to save us form our sins. Have you come to the Lord Jesus?
In this ministry word you will hear of 3 people who were singled out for service. Bible Scriptures: Darby Translation Mark 3:13-17 “13 And he goes up into the mountain, and calls whom he himself would, and they went to him.14 And …
God loves you with an everlasting love. The wonderful news of the Gospel is that God demonstrated this love for us at Calvary’s cross. The Lord Jesus Christ came into the world to save sinners—how amazing is God’s love for us! Our sins can be completely forgiven and washed away by the precious blood of Jesus.
The Gospel is preached that you may come to Jesus. God so loved the world that He gave His son, Jesus Christ as Saviour of sinners. Bible Scriptures: Darby Translation Mark 2:1-12 “2 And he entered again into Capernaum after [several] …
The Gospel message is God’s invitation to you. Through His wonderful grace, He has provided a Savior for sinners by sending His Son, Jesus Christ. Though our sins separate us from God, the Gospel brings the wonderful news that God has drawn near to us in the Lord Jesus Christ. This is the greatest invitation you will ever receive—have you responded to it?
When Jesus preached the Gospel, he spoke with authority. Many who heard him said, “No one ever spoke like this man!” In this Gospel preaching, you will learn about the authority of the Lord Jesus Christ, who has the power to forgive sins and give you peace with God. Only Jesus has that authority. Jesus said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.” Over 2000 years ago, Jesus journeyed to Calvary’s cross, where he laid down his life for sinners and shed his blood to bring salvation to fallen mankind.
We live in a very needy world today. The greatest need that mankind has today is the forgivness of sins and the need of salvation. Many turn to the world today to try and find an answer for their needy souls but nothing satisfies. Jesus said, “without me ye can do nothing”. In this Gospel you will hear of a blind man called Bartimaeus who called out to Jesus to meet his need. Jesus was the answer for blind Bartimaeus. Jesus is the answer for you. God sent His son, Jesus Christ to meet the sinner’s need.
In this ministry word you will hear of four international arrival meeting points from the scriptures.