The Prophet Amos sends out a warning to the people of God, “prepare to meet thy God”. Are you prepared to meet God? Bible Scriptures: Darby Translation Amos 4:2 “prepare to meet thy God” Luke 12:16-21 “16 And he spoke a …
The Prophet Amos sends out a warning to the people of God, “prepare to meet thy God”. Are you prepared to meet God? Bible Scriptures: Darby Translation Amos 4:2 “prepare to meet thy God” Luke 12:16-21 “16 And he spoke a …
The Gospel is a simple message about God’s love and what He has done to save us from your sins.
There is a peace that only Jesus can give that many people today are searching for. Jesus said, ” I leave peace with you; I give my peace to you: not as the world gives do I give to you”. Have you found it? This peace has been made by the blood of Jesus shed at Calvary’s cross. The perfect sinless saviour, Jesus Christ came into the world to save sinners and through His wonderful work at the cross, you can receive true peace from God.
Jesus brings hope to mankind. Life is found alone in Jesus and He came into this world to save sinners to bring them eternal life. Have you come to Jesus?
Are you saved? Jesus is the door to heaven. Have you come to this door? The Gospel is preached to announce to mankind the door to salvation and it is found in a person the Lord Jesus Christ.
Many people today look for satisfaction in their career, money and possessions but the Bible tells us that only Christ can truly satisfy our souls. The Gospel is preached that you may be introduced to the Saviour of the world, the Lord Jesus Christ.
The Gospel is preached to introduce you to the Saviour that God has provided, Jesus Christ. In this preaching, you will hear from the Bible of two encounters with Jesus that resulted in them believing and receiving the Saviour.
In this Gospel preaching you will hear about The Wonderous Grace of God. Bible Scriptures: Darby Translation Matthew 27:22 “22 Pilate says to them, What then shall I do with Jesus, who is called Christ? They all say, Let him be …
As a believer in the Lord Jesus we are part of a commonwealth that has it’s existence in the heavens. Christians can have fellowship with fellow believers and enjoy the precious things of God together. In this address, you will hear what the scriptures say about the believer’s commonwealth that has its existence in the heavens.