The Gospel is preached that you may be saved. Saved from your sins and brought into newness of life by the work of God’s son, Jesus Christ. Are you saved?
The Gospel is preached that you may be saved. Saved from your sins and brought into newness of life by the work of God’s son, Jesus Christ. Are you saved?
Have you ever thought about the value of your soul? The Lord Jesus came to redeem your soul. Over 2000 years ago, the Lord Jesus jorneyed to Calvery’s cross and laid down His life for sinners to bring salvation for your soul. Without Christ there is no salvation. The Lord Jesus is the way the truth and the life.
The Gospel offers true deliverance from the power of death. The Lord Jesus is the only one who can deliver the sinner from the power of death. We read in the scriptures of Jesus raising the dead to life, and this wonderful Saviuor who laid down his life for sinners at Calvary’s cross for you. Three days later, Jesus rose from the dead, defeating the power of sin and death.
There is a constant battle for your soul going on all the time. The devil is behind it. Your soul is in the center of this warfare and many people can become a casualty of war with the power of sin but there is good news in the Gospel. God has sent His son, Jesus Christ into the world to save sinners and to redeem your soul. Come and hear the wonderful news of the Gospel and how there is victory in Jesus through the work he completed at Calvery’s cross.
The Gospel points you to a saviour for sinners who came to this earth to bring salvation for mankind. Who is this? The Bible tells there is only one name under heaven by which we must be saved and it …
We are beginning an new year and by God’s wonderful grace the Gospel is still being proclaimed to mankind. What wonderful love is shown to us by God. Over 2000 years ago the Lord Jesus came into the world to save sinners and bring salvation by going to Calvary’s cross.
The Bible tells us that “God was in Christ reconciling the world to himself”. God is seeking you and he desires for you to be saved. The Lord Jesus came into the world to seek and to save that which was lost.
The wonderful gift God has given is His beloved son, Jesus Christ who came into this world as a Saviour for sinners. Have you come to the Saviour? The Lord Jesus is willing and able to save you. On the cross the Lord Jesus laid down His life for sinners that we might have peace with God.
Jesus is appealing to you in the Gospel and he is saying, “Come, follow me”.