The Lord Jesus has the power to heal, forgive sins and to subdue all things to himself. He is the saviour of the world who is able to rescue you from the coming judgment and give peace to your heart. The question is have you accepted it?
The Lord Jesus has the power to heal, forgive sins and to subdue all things to himself. He is the saviour of the world who is able to rescue you from the coming judgment and give peace to your heart. The question is have you accepted it?
God is faithful and his word and promises still remain the same even today. In the following address, you will hear from scripture about the faithfulness of God.
In the believer’s life sometimes there comes a time when we need to be reawakened as to the things of God. This takes place by the word of God and the Holy Spirit working within. In this Address, you will hear of the importance of being reawakened.
Over 2000 years ago Jesus Christ came to this earth to bring salvation. The Gospel is about the Lord Jesus Christ and how he has won the victory and brought salvation to those who trust in him. Well to receive …
What is the Rapture? What is it all about? This address will present the answer to these questions. In a simple desire to uncover the wonderful truth of the rapture. I trust you will be encouraged from this address as …
Are you hiding from God? Sin fills us with shame, and it is this shame that makes us hide from God. The Bible tells us that God is holy and righteous and He cannot have sin in His presence. In this Gospel preaching, you will hear what God has done to bring us into eternal life through His son the Lord Jesus Christ.
The Lord Jesus Christ came from heaven to bring the wonderful gift of eternal life. Have you received it? Listen to this Gospel preaching and discover that life is found alone in Jesus.
In this address, you will hear of the Saviour who can bring warmth and security to your soul if you turn to him. Bible Scriptures: Darby Translation Matthew 11:28-30 “Come to me, all ye who labour and are burdened, and …
God has fully revealed himself and his love for us in the person of His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. The Gospel is preached to announce the good news of Jesus to the world.