Have YOU been SAVED for Glory? and Have YOU been SAVED by Jesus?
Have YOU been SAVED for Glory? and Have YOU been SAVED by Jesus?
Jesus came to this earth over 2000 years ago to meet the sinner’s need. The Bible tells us that we have fallen short of God’s glory and we deserve death because of our sin. But God in love, grace and …
There is a Saviour for the lost and the Bible tells us to look to the Lord Jesus Christ. He is the only person who has the power to forgive sins and offer eternal life. Why? Because of the victorious work, he completed on calvary’s cross.
Jesus came into this world to bring deliverance to the sinner. In this Gospel preaching, you will hear the account of a man from Gadarenes who was possessed with demons. No one was able to help him but hope was on the way when Jesus passed by. After an encounter with Jesus, he was found sitting clothed and in his right mind. What happened? Jesus had delivered him from the power of the devil and he was made new.
In this Gospel preaching, you will hear of a Lost Sheep, a lost coin, a lost son and You. Bible Scriptures: Luke 15:3-4 “3 And he spoke to them this parable, saying,4 What man of you having a hundred sheep, and having …
In the following address you will hear about perseverance. The Bible tells us as a Christian in this world we will receive conflict in some way. But its important during these times to remain strong in the Lord Jesus. The scriptures tell us to persevere in the things of God. How can we do this? Well God has not left us alone, in fact he has provided the believer with every resource to make a stand. These two resources are the word of God and his Holy Spirit.
In this Address, you will hear of five scriptures that refer to Gates. The Lord Jesus delights in those who are faithful to Him. As you listen to this recording I trust you will be strengthened as God’s Word is taught.
In this Gospel preaching, you will hear of four great wonders that magnify the wonderful work of Christ. Bible Scriptures:- John 1:1-5 “ In [the] beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.2 *He* …
In the following address you will hear of few Men of the New Testament and we can learn from their character for the service of the Lord Jesus. I trust you all will be encouraged and help by this address. Bible …