God is able to Save and God is able to Forgive because of the Lord Jesus Christ. It was Jesus who came to this earth on a rescue mission to bring Salvation to whosoever trust in him as Saviour. We …
God is able to Save and God is able to Forgive because of the Lord Jesus Christ. It was Jesus who came to this earth on a rescue mission to bring Salvation to whosoever trust in him as Saviour. We …
Each day a Newspaper is printed. With pages and pages of news some mostly bad and sometimes there is a little good news. But in the whole history of the world there has only been one piece of Good News …
The Gospel requires a response from everyone. No one is left out of the love of God. The Bible tells us God so loved the world that he sent Jesus as a Saviour. Why?? Because of our Sin. You see …
Do you have a living link with the Lord Jesus Christ? The Lord wants the closest walk with you but are you willing to meet with him and spend time in his presence to strength your link with him. Bible …
In the following address, you will hear about The Lord’s Touch, Look and Message. Bible Verses Read: Matthew 8:3-3 “And when he had come down from the mountain, great crowds followed him.2 And behold, a leper came up to [him] and did …
Each of us is lost if we are without Christ as you listen to this Gospel preaching learn how Jesus came to find you. And you can be found and saved by what Christ has done on the cross. We …
Our lives can really be changed by the work Jesus did at the Cross. God Sent Jesus his only son to defeat sin so that we can enter God’s presents justified by faith in our Saviour. So if you can turn to …
This Christmas listen to the wonderful story of the Lord Jesus Christ who came to this earth to rescue the perishing. Bible Scriptures: Luke 2:8-17 “And there were shepherds in that country abiding without, and keeping watch by night over their flock.9 And lo, …
Jesus has done everything, all we need to do is to receive His free salvation. Everything is done in the Gospel we just need to come to the Saviour and he will make a change in us. So to learn more …