The Lord Jesus has done a very wonderful work to rescue the sinner from perishing. In this Gospel preaching, you will hear of what the Lord Jesus went through to secure salvation for mankind. So come and listen to this …
The Lord Jesus has done a very wonderful work to rescue the sinner from perishing. In this Gospel preaching, you will hear of what the Lord Jesus went through to secure salvation for mankind. So come and listen to this …
Each person on this earth has a name. But there has only ever been one name, one person by which the sinner can be saved. The Gospel presents the person you need and that person is the Lord Jesus Christ. …
The Gospel in a great invitation from God to mankind. As you listen you will hear of a man called Jesus Christ who came into this world to save sinners. So come and hear the Gospel, the message of salvation so …
Over 2000 years ago Jesus came to seek and save sinners. God desires for everyone to be saved and to come to know him personally so he sent Jesus on a rescue mission to redeem us to himself. Bible Scriptures: …
So many ask the question “Why did Jesus come into this world?” the reason is simple and we all need to hear it. He came into this world to be a saviour for sinners. As you listen to this Gospel …
In this Gospel preaching, you will hear about the ten words that God gave to Moses also known as The Commandments. Then you will hear about ten words that Jesus spoke from the cross and finally, you will hear about ten words of blessing.
We learn from the Bible that God is holy and perfect and cannot have sin in his presence. We also read in the Bible of mankind’s imperfect ways their “sins”. “All have fallen short of God’s glory” But there is …
Jesus is the King of Kings. In this Gospel preaching you will hear how Jesus came into this world in a humble way but full of greatness and majesty. He is the King of Kings but he having so much …
In this Gospel preaching, you will hear of the Lord Jesus who came to this earth to make God fully known. He came to meet the need of mankind which He did by stepping down in love. He came as …