In this Gospel preaching, you will hear of a man who sought an opportunity, some people in Noah’s day who missed an opportunity and a man called Zacchaeus who seized his opportunity to receive the Gospel.
In this Gospel preaching, you will hear of a man who sought an opportunity, some people in Noah’s day who missed an opportunity and a man called Zacchaeus who seized his opportunity to receive the Gospel.
The Bible tells us that Jesus is the good shepherd who gave up his life for the sheep. Listen to this gospel preaching to learn more about the good shepherd, Jesus Christ and the work he completed at the cross to save you.
No person or good deed in the world can offer deliverance from sin and God’s judgement. The Bible says it is only Jesus who can deliver the sinner from the coming judgment because of the victorious work he completed on Calvary’s Cross.
The Lord Jesus told us many times in scripture that he was going away to prepare for a place for us. While we are waiting for his promised return the following parable tells us to trade while he is coming so that there may be a greater interest in the things of God.
In this world, men have big ideas on how life shall be lived and opinions on the best route to happiness. Without Christ though our lives feel empty and unrestful. The Gospel is preached that you may find forgiveness and peace with God through the work Jesus completed at Calvary’s Cross. Is it well with your Soul? Listen to this Gospel preaching to find out how you can have rest for your soul in Jesus.
Life… is one big journey. No matter what stage you are at on the Journey of Life a relationship with Jesus should be at the centre. Listen to this Gospel to discover the journey the Lord Jesus took to redeem sinners from perishing.
There are only two kinds of people in this world. Those whom can say they are SAVED and those who are lost. Are you saved or are you lost? God desires for everyone to be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth. Listen to this Gospel message to find out how you can be saved through the completed work of Christ.
It is very easy to be occupied with your career choices, the next holiday to take or the next project to begin but have you stopped to consider where you will spend eternity? The Bible tells us that our sin has separated us from a Holy God. However, the Gospel is proclaimed with GOOD NEWS because of Jesus and his victorious work at Calvary’s Cross. Find out more… Tune in to this Gospel!
God’s word is absolutely true and it remains the same throughout this changing world. God is still speaking today in 2018 and through his Gospel invitation, he is pointing to the Lord Jesus as the saviour for sinners. The Bible says, “there is only one mediator of God and men one, [the] man Christ Jesus”. Have you accepted Jesus as your saviour and Lord?