Life… is one big journey. No matter what stage you are at on the Journey of Life a relationship with Jesus should be at the centre. Listen to this Gospel to discover the journey the Lord Jesus took to redeem sinners from perishing.
Life… is one big journey. No matter what stage you are at on the Journey of Life a relationship with Jesus should be at the centre. Listen to this Gospel to discover the journey the Lord Jesus took to redeem sinners from perishing.
There are only two kinds of people in this world. Those whom can say they are SAVED and those who are lost. Are you saved or are you lost? God desires for everyone to be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth. Listen to this Gospel message to find out how you can be saved through the completed work of Christ.
It is very easy to be occupied with your career choices, the next holiday to take or the next project to begin but have you stopped to consider where you will spend eternity? The Bible tells us that our sin has separated us from a Holy God. However, the Gospel is proclaimed with GOOD NEWS because of Jesus and his victorious work at Calvary’s Cross. Find out more… Tune in to this Gospel!
God’s word is absolutely true and it remains the same throughout this changing world. God is still speaking today in 2018 and through his Gospel invitation, he is pointing to the Lord Jesus as the saviour for sinners. The Bible says, “there is only one mediator of God and men one, [the] man Christ Jesus”. Have you accepted Jesus as your saviour and Lord?
There is hope for mankind and it is found in the Lord Jesus Christ. The scriptures tell us our sins have brought in distances from our holy creator but in Jesus there is salvation. God has provided the way of salvation through the work Jesus completed on Calvary’s Cross.
In the following address, you hear about divine evaluation and what the scriptures teach us about God’s plan of redemption in Jesus Christ.
Jesus transforms lives! In the following Gospel preaching, you will hear of three people whose lives were changed when they had a personal encounter with the Lord Jesus. In 2018 the same message of hope is being preached and the Lord is still able to save people who call upon him.
By God’s grace, the Gospel has been presented many times throughout the ages of history. Today because God loves you there is another opportunity for you to respond to God’s invitation. All things are ready! Jesus has completed everything at Calvary’s cross that you may come into the blessing of eternal life. Will You Accept God’s Invitation?
God desires to bless us with every spiritual blessing in the heavens but to come into the full enjoyment of these blessings the bible says we first need to come to Jesus and accepted him as our Lord and Saviour. Our sins separate us from obtaining these great blessings but God out of great love for you has reached out to you through his son the Lord Jesus Christ. Over 2000 years ago Jesus came into this world to save his people from their sins and provide Salvation for all who believe and trust in him.