In this Gospel preaching you will of the greatness of the Lord Jesus. God has provided a wonderful saviour who is able to deliver us from the power of sin and give us eternal life.
In this Gospel preaching you will of the greatness of the Lord Jesus. God has provided a wonderful saviour who is able to deliver us from the power of sin and give us eternal life.
God has blessed each believer with every spiritual blessing in the heavenlies but to be in joy of this we must give Christ the first place. Does Christ have the first place in your life?
Would you like to go to heaven? But are you READY? The Bible tells there is one way to heaven and it not by doing loads of good works or living a good life. The way to heaven is by coming to the Lord Jesus and putting faith and trust in Him as your personal Saviour. In our sins we have wondered far away from God but in the Gospel we announce the wonderful way back to God through His son, Jesus Christ.
In this Gospel preaching you will hear about God’s son, a man called Jesus who came into this world to bring Salvation to mankind. Bible Scriptures: Darby Translation John 9:1-10 “9 And as he passed on, he saw a man blind …
The Gospel is preached that you may come to Jesus and be saved. In John’s Gospel Jesus says ” I am the door: if any one enter in by me, he shall be saved”. The way to be saved, receive Salvation of your sins and peace with God is through the Savour the Lord Jesus Christ.
Jesus can make all things new. The Gospel is preached because God desires to make all thing new for you. In our sins we are far from God and face the coming judgment but there is good news. Jesus came into the world to save sinners. In this preaching, you will how Jesus came make things new through the work he competed at Calvary.
The Bible tells us when the fulness of time was come God sent forth His son, Jesus Christ as the Saviour for sinners. Throughout the scriptures the word, Emmanuel appears many times and it means God with us. Jesus was born into this world to bring hope to mankind. Over 2000 years ago Jesus willing laid down his life at Calvary’s cross to bring salvation for sinners.
The Gospel is good news of great joy. God has provided a wonderful Saviour, Jesus Christ who brought salvation to mankind. Our sins have separated you between you and your God but God being rich in love and mercy have sent a redeemer who willing laid down His life to save you. The message of the Gospel can bring joy to your heart if come to Jesus repent and put your trust in Him.
Freedom is something we all strive for that we may obtain true liberty. Jesus came into the world to set sinners free from the power of the devil. The Bible tells us that only one person has the power to deliver you from sin and that is the Lord Jesus Christ. Over 2000 years ago, the Lord Jesus came into this world to bring Salvation to mankind. It was at Calvary’s cross where he demonstrated His love for us by taking the sinner’s place that we might be saved from the coming judgment.