The Lord is faithful provides for us day by day. In this ministry word you will hear of examples from the scriptures when God provided for his people.
The Lord is faithful provides for us day by day. In this ministry word you will hear of examples from the scriptures when God provided for his people.
The Bible tells us that “God was in Christ reconciling the world to himself”. God is seeking you and he desires for you to be saved. The Lord Jesus came into the world to seek and to save that which was lost.
The Prophet Amos sends out a warning to the people of God, “prepare to meet thy God”. Are you prepared to meet God? Bible Scriptures: Darby Translation Amos 4:2 “prepare to meet thy God” Luke 12:16-21 “16 And he spoke a …
The Gospel message is hope for mankind because the glorious Saviour, Jesus Christ has defeated the power of death and is now risen and fully exalted in glory. Jesus is the resurrection and the life and He is able and willing to save sinners because of the victorious work He completed at Calvary’s cross.
The Gospel is preached with an invitation form Jesus himself and he says “Come follow me”. Are you following Jesus?
Jesus made seven “I Am” statements in John’s Gospel. In this address you will hear what the scriptures says and they point to the Lord Jesus the one who is all in all.
Jesus came into this world to be a light for mankind. The Gospel is preached to announce the wonderful news that sinners can be saved by coming to the Savour that God has provided, Jesus Christ.
God desires to give you eternal life by coming to know His Son, Jesus Christ. The Bible tells us that in our sins we have wondered away from a holy God but the good news is that Jesus came to save sinners and give us life more abundantly. This gift is available to whosoever trust in Jesus and the work He completed at Calvary’s cross.
In the Bible there are many accounts when God wrote on tablets or on a wall for men to take account of him. In this Gospel you will hear about the glorious news that while were still sinners Jesus came into this world to lay down His life to bring salvation to fallen mankind.