God has shown His loving heart through the person of the Lord Jesus Christ. He has not overlooked the sinner. Instead, God, in His love sent a saviour so he could pardon and forgive the sinner.
God has shown His loving heart through the person of the Lord Jesus Christ. He has not overlooked the sinner. Instead, God, in His love sent a saviour so he could pardon and forgive the sinner.
Do you have life in Christ? The beliver in the Lord Jesus should be living a life rooted in the Lord Jesus Christ the one who gives life abundantly. God desires for us to be a testomony for our Saviour, Jesus Christ. When people notice you at school, college or work do they see something of the life of Christ in you?
In this Gospel preaching let’s go on a journey. This journey, Route 3-16 will take you to the Lord Jesus Christ the Saviour of the world. The Saviour you need to cleanse you from your sins and redeem you to God through the work Jesus completed at Calvery’s cross.
What does it mean to follow Jesus? In this address you will hear what the scriptures teach us about following Jesus and what it truly means to be a disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ.
In this ministry word, you will occupied with the uniqueness and glory of Christ.
Many people have asked this question throughout history: How do I get to Heaven? Jesus said, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” In this gospel preaching, you will hear of the way to heaven through the saviour that God has provided, Jesus Christ.
Your feet are your point of contact with the world. Where you go and what you do, your feet go with you. The Gospel message goes out to announce to mankind the way of salvation in Jesus Christ. The Bible says there are two roads: one that leads to life and one that leads to death. What path are you on?
In the scriptures, there are many characteristics of the Lord Jesus that he desires to share with every believer. In this address, you will hear of the characteristic of the grace of the Lord Jesus and how we can know more of the grace of Jesus.
Jesus Christ came into the world sent by God to save you from your sins. The Bible tells us that Jesus willing laid down his life at Calvery’s cross to bring salvation for mankind. Come and hear how you can receive this wonderful salvation.