In the Bible, you come across many titles that the Lord Jesus has been given. One of them is, of course, the Good Shepherd. In this Address, you will hear how Jesus comes under that title “The Good Shepherd” and …
In the Bible, you come across many titles that the Lord Jesus has been given. One of them is, of course, the Good Shepherd. In this Address, you will hear how Jesus comes under that title “The Good Shepherd” and …
The Lord Jesus is a blessed living saviour and he loves you with an everlasting love. In the following address, you will hear from God’s word about the importance of nearness, service and likeness for our Lord and saviour Jesus Christ.
There are times when we fail Lord without intending too. In this Address, you will hear of the times when the Lord corrected Peter so he would be more serviceable to Him. I trust as you listen you may learn from Peter’s …
Listen to Gospel from book of Daniel. The Good News of Jesus Christ and the work he has completed to bring salvation.
Each believer in the Lord Jesus is part of the Church (the body of Christ). But what is the Church’s role here on the earth? As you listen to this recording you will discover God’s true role for the Church here on earth. Which each believer has a part in throughout their day to day life as a Christian.
In this Address, you will hear a word as to the Glory of the Lord Jesus in the Assembly. Bible Scriptures: Darby Translation Psalm 118:22-23 “[The] stone which the builders rejected hath become the head of the corner:23 This is of …
Jesus desires for believers to be Overcomers. The Bible is filled with many great promises from God to believers to overcome any challenge or trial. Listen to this address to and discover how you can be an overcomer because of the glorious work of Jesus.
Whoever comes to the Lord Jesus he will receive and welcome into his presence. The Gospel is the greatest invitation in history and it is still being proclaimed today by the grace of God. Jesus came to make the love of God known listen to the following gospel preaching to discover more about the Lord and saviour Jesus Christ.
The Love of Christ will never fail us it remains the same forever. In the following address, you will hear what the scriptures say about Walking in the Love of Christ. Bible Scriptures: Darby Translation Luke 7:36-50 “But one of the …