The same God who is the creator of the universe is the author of the Bible who wants to meet with you and give you eternal life. Come meet the author today! Bible Scriptures:- Psalm 119:105 “Thy word is a …
The same God who is the creator of the universe is the author of the Bible who wants to meet with you and give you eternal life. Come meet the author today! Bible Scriptures:- Psalm 119:105 “Thy word is a …
The greatest news in the whole world is the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. He came over 2000 years ago to bring the way of Salvation to mankind. Today the Gospel is still going out and the work Jesus …
One day the Lord Jesus Christ is coming back to take all those who have trusted in him as Saviour to heaven. When he comes back will you be expecting him or will be surprised at his return. Well the Gospel …
There is only one way to God through our Lord Jesus Christ. The Bible makes it so clear! To be sure of heaven and to be saved we need to trust in Jesus as our Lord and Saviour. Jesus came …
In this Gospel preaching, you will hear of the Christian Way and what it means to trust in Jesus as Saviour and Lord. Today the Gospel is still being preached by God’s love, mercy and grace. Have you entered into …
The Gospel is all about Jesus Christ. Who is Jesus? Well, he is God’s only son YES! But he is also the Saviour of the human race. He came into this world over 2000 years ago on a rescue mission …
In the Gospel, we see God’s heart toward mankind. In John chapter three it tells us that “God so loved the world that he gave his only son” Amazing love! – He sent Jesus to bring Salvation to mankind. This …
As a Christian, the presence of Lord Jesus is known to us. For he made himself know to us by coming in with Salvation. We have a hope of Heaven and we know we are going there to be with …
Jesus Christ came to this earth over 2000 years ago to bring Salvation to mankind. The Bible tells us that God is holy which means he’s perfect. If you read Romans 3:23 you will learn that the bible tells us …